[Fiware-i2nd] R: Final minutes of I2ND meeting

Garino Pierangelo pierangelo.garino at telecomitalia.it
Tue Jan 27 15:48:43 CET 2015

Hello Angel,

I was working on some information provided to me by Davide while I received your mail: I try to put together the whole things to see how it could work.

First of all, Manuel just confirmed that the demo sessions will be on Monday 2nd, therefore if we want to propose the robotics demo we need to have it running by the end of this week; on the other hand, this is too the preferred date for you, so it's fine.

Concerning the minutes, the meaning of the sentence you mention (TI to provide a machine where everything has to run) was meant to define an environment where the ROS based components and RCM should run, independent of being a VM or an actual laptop. The RCM provisioning action was not planned at this time, as it was not necessary to run the demo according to what we defined, i.e. all ROS based nodes and RCM put together to get rid of the split over different machines for ROS based nodes.

I enclose in the mail a drawing of what are the elements of the demo, which shows the ideal set up we can provide. There are a few points we need to address and/or detail/confirm, in order to make it working as expected, that are:

-          We assume that the Web App is developed by ET and accesses the RCM through interface 1 of the slide. A Control GUI can be shown by a browser on e.g. a demo laptop (e.g. at ET side)

-          We assume that the web app connects to RCM: we provide two RCM Management API exposed as public URLs, to be used through HTTP-GET requests. These two API will perform START/STOP RCM operations and they will reply with an XML response.

-          We assume that FIROS, which is running as a ROS node inside the ROS container on the TI's (virtual) machine, connects to the Context Broker (interface 2), by subscribing to events triggered by the 'Forward' command of the Web App.

o   Question 1: at the meeting you mentioned that the connection between FIROS and the Context Broker uses HTTP: is a specific used port when FIROS works as Client Server (i.e. after the subscription towards Context Broker)? If yes, which is this port?

o   Question 2: is there anything else necessary to configure FIROS (we rembember that at the meeting you/Inigo mentioned some configuration file which doesn't seem to be present in the package just delivered)?

-          The Turtlesim GUI (and rqt_graph) can run on any laptop/machine, provided that it is able to connect to the TI's machine via connection 3 (it can be done by using VNC).

Under these assumptions, the only drawback I see is that we need to show two GUIS on different machines, which might require two desktop sharing facilities during the demo (but we can provide them, hopefully), unless we find a way to share on the same desktop both the control GUI and the Turtlesim GUI.
On the other hand the advantage I see is that we already show that there can be a 'platform' running the robotics GE, while the web application can be elsewhere.

Does it sound fine to you?


Da: Angel Hernandez [mailto:ahernandez at ikergune.com]
Inviato: martedì 27 gennaio 2015 11:38
A: Garino Pierangelo; fiware-i2nd at lists.fi-ware.org
Oggetto: RE: Final minutes of I2ND meeting

Good morning Pier,
Just a couple details I found on the minutes:

-          "TI to provide a machine where everything has to run": As we agreed there, in order to avoid any problems and make configuration and last minute fixes possible, it will be better if we have all the software running on the same physical place, so TI would just have to provide the RCM and we will run everything on a VM containing all the code in our office. In this case, If anything fails, we will be able to fix it faster since there would be the web, Roscore and FIROS from our side.

Iñigo will send you all the required code so you can test the RCM before handing it to us. He will also send you an schema including all the connections required to deliver the demo (VM, remote desktop, Web, etc)

-          I haven't seen any action point related to providing the RCM. This will be required to run the demo. When can you provide this code? Let us know if we can help you.

-          Action point 2 says "Provide the environment where everything required for sprint demo has to run". I guess we are talking about the webex or any other platform to share the screen. Please take into account that the simulator (which we can take care of) runs on linux, so the desktop to be shared will be a linux machine. We have other ways to do it already, but it might be easier if the system provided to share the screen can work on Linux.

We will discuss this on Thursday.

-          If possible, it would be easier for us to have the demo next Monday, Feb 2nd. We could do it on the 9th, but it might be a little more difficult to have all the team together on that day.

Thank you!

De: fiware-i2nd-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:fiware-i2nd-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] En nombre de Garino Pierangelo
Enviado el: viernes, 23 de enero de 2015 16:01
Para: fiware-i2nd at lists.fi-ware.org
Asunto: [Fiware-i2nd] Final minutes of I2ND meeting

Dear All,

I have 'refined' a bit the minutes we took at the meeting yesterday, by grouping the actions defined in a final table, and assigning to them 'reasonable' deadlines.
Please have a look and take note of the actions you're responsible for: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DC91JT8Qx5yQFzGOwQlqut6nTj9GYmjWNZy_l2uWJHY/edit#<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DC91JT8Qx5yQFzGOwQlqut6nTj9GYmjWNZy_l2uWJHY/edit>

Have a nice week-end!

Telecom Italia
Pierangelo Garino
Strategy & Innovation
Via G. Reiss Romoli 274, I-10148 TORINO
Tel: +39 011 228 7142

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