Dear FIWARE iHub colleagues, The website of the Future City iHub in the Netherlands is: Have an nice weekend, Tom Tom Willebrandts P.O.Box 1213 | 3800 BE Amersfoort | +31 (0) 6 52 53 55 83 | tom at | Deze e-mail is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde(n). Verstrekking aan en gebruik door anderen is niet toegestaan. FutureCity sluit iedere aansprakelijkheid uit die voortvloeit uit elektronische verzending. Denk aan het milieu voordat u deze mail print. > > From: Fundingbox <noreply at <mailto:noreply at>> > Sent: 18 October 2018 07:09 > To: flavio at <mailto:flavio at> > Subject: Important information: Call FIWARE iHubs 2018 > > Dear members, > > As we decided in our previous meeting on 16th of October we have extend the re-evaluation period until 2 years for those iHubs that want to maintain their score reached the last year. > In other hand, we also decide that a website of the iHub is mandatory and we defined some requirements: > FIWARE iHub logo > FIWARE iHub services > Contact point: email, phone number > So any active FIWARE iHub have to have a website with this information. > > In order to check that any of those iHubs are still active we ask you send an email to Fiware-ihubs-committee at <mailto:Fiware-ihubs-committee at> with: > Subject “Maintain the score of 2017” > Body: “Name of the iHub: your-iHub-name” > > If you still need to change any information of your previous application (webpage) you can access to the FIWARE iHub application ( <>) and do the changes in the information area. Please, do not forget to send also the email to the list. > > If you are not in the previous cases and want to apply again and get a higher score, you should follow the application process. Please, check the documentation as we have updated the process to ease it. > > Those iHubs that don’t answer will be deleted of the iHub list. We are going to give a grace period of 2 months to remove the iHubs. > > Thank you, > BR. > > __________________________________________________________________________________________ > > You can get more information about our cookies and privacy policies on the following links: > - <> > - <> > > Fiware-ihubs-committee mailing list > Fiware-ihubs-committee at <mailto:Fiware-ihubs-committee at> > <> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 2848 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>
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