[Fiware-ihubs-committee] Information of the process to choose the Chairman of the FIWARE iHubs Committee

Daniel Villalba daniel.villalba at fiware.zone
Mon Nov 12 18:54:01 CET 2018

Dear all,

As we announced, the Open Call was published by the FIWARE Foundation 
last week, November 8th:


Best Regards.

Daniel Villalba
Dinamizador FIWARE ZONE
686 43 83 53
Pabellón de la Unión Europea
Calle Isaac Newton, s/n
41092 Sevilla (Spain)

El 07/11/2018 a las 19:05, Daniel Villalba escribió:
> Dear all,
> Just want to share that we are going to send the information of the 
> call to the Foundation to publish it in the FIWARE Foundation website.
> Also, we want to add some minimum duties that the Chairman have to 
> accomplish:
> /Minimum Duties:/
>  *
>     /Represent the FIWARE iHubs in the FIWARE Summits/
>  *
>     /Attend to the FIWARE Summits/
>  *
>     /Maintain the relationship with the FIWARE Foundation/
>  *
>     /Organize and coordinate the meetings of the FIWARE iHubs
>     Committee at least every three months/
>  *
>     /Coordinate and manage the process of evaluate new FIWARE iHubs/
> Thank you,
> Best Regards.
> Daniel Villalba
> Dinamizador FIWARE ZONE
> 686 43 83 53
> -
> www.fiware.zone
> -
> Pabellón de la Unión Europea
> Calle Isaac Newton, s/n
> 41092 Sevilla (Spain)
> --
> El 31/10/2018 a las 18:27, Daniel Villalba escribió:
>> Dear all members of the Committee,
>> As we announced in our previous meeting we are going to open a Call 
>> for the Chairmanship of FIWARE iHubs Committee.
>> Just to check if we all agree on the basis I send you the information 
>> of proposed process:
>> /*Dates*//://
>> //Call open: First week of November//
>> //Deadline: November 18th at 00:00//
>> //Vote : November 26th//
>> //
>> //*Basis*//://
>> //Anyone from a FIWARE iHub (official 
>> <https://www.fiware.org/community/fiware-ihubs/>) can apply to the 
>> Chairmanship//.
>> //The application must include the main activities that you as 
>> Chairman would like to run.//
>> //The application should include at least two support letters from 
>> other FIWARE iHubs (apart from the one that you are involve).//
>> //
>> //*Vote & Election*//://
>> //The proposals will be distributed on 19th to all FIWARE iHubs 
>> Committee members (it will be available in the Drive folder of FIWARE 
>> iHubs during the whole process).//
>> //Before voting, candidates will explain their proposals and the 
>> goals that they would like achieve.//
>> //The voting will take place during our meeting of November 26th in 
>> the FIWARE Global Summit after the announcement of the new FIWARE 
>> iHubs.//
>> //We will set up a video-conference for those who cannot attend to 
>> the FIWARE Summit.//
>> //Only can vote one person from each FIWARE iHub (one iHub one vote).//
>> //
>> //The application must be sent to the form that we have created: 
>> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AdJaCVSTbhmfjEK4qjSwFU-MHaRX1Dl5RppMtTs7I2s/edit/
>> Please, send any comment to the process or the application form until 
>> November 5th. On November 6th we will send the call to the FIWARE 
>> Foundation.
>> Thank you,
>> Best Regards.
>> -- 
>> FIWARE Zone
>> Daniel Villalba
>> Dinamizador FIWARE ZONE
>> 686 43 83 53
>> -
>> www.fiware.zone
>> -
>> FIWARE ZONE Sevilla
>> Pabellón de la Unión Europea
>> Calle Isaac Newton, s/n
>> 41092 Sevilla (Spain)
>> --
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