[Fiware-ihubs-committee] REMINDER

Daniel Villalba daniel.villalba at fiware.zone
Tue Apr 30 12:01:32 CEST 2019

Dear Tom,

We misunderstood your offer and we thought you wanted to share booth and
costs. In this Summit we cannot afford the cost of the booth, so we are no
taking this option finally.

Anyway we want to push the FIWARE iHub programme and we are going to
participate in the panel of FIWARE iHubs in the FIWARE Summit on May 21st.

Sorry for the confusion,

Daniel Villalba
Dinamizador FIWARE ZONE
Pabellón de la Unión Europea
Calle Isaac Newton, s/n
41092 Sevilla (Spain)


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El lun., 29 abr. 2019 a las 10:29, Andrea Cruciani (<andrea at teamdev.it>)

> Dear all,
> we are going to have a shared desk for our iHub plus TeamDev (Wisetown and
> Agricolus products) but it’s ok for us to join our spaces. Just consider
> that we will not showcase only the iHub.
> Best,
> Andrea
> Andrea Cruciani
> [image: logoTeamDev] <http://www.teamdev.it/>
> Esri Silver Partner Network
> Microsoft Silver Certified Partner
> Fiware Gold Partner
> P.I. - C.F. 02982970549 – www.teamdev.it
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> *Da:* Future-City | Tom Willebrandts <tom at future-city.nl>
> *Inviato:* lunedì 29 aprile 2019 06:11
> *A:* Daniel Villalba <daniel.villalba at fiware.zone>
> *Cc:* Fiware-ihubs-committee <Fiware-ihubs-committee at lists.fiware.org>;
> Jose Manuel Cantera Fonseca <josemanuel.cantera at fiware.org>; Jason Fox <
> jason.fox at fiware.org>; Andrea Cruciani <andrea at teamdev.it>; Charlotte
> Kotterman <charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org>; angeles.tejado at fiware.org
> *Oggetto:* Re: [Fiware-ihubs-committee] REMINDER
> Hi Daniel and other iHub colleagues,
> Thanks for reaction. Now we’ve 3 iHubs participating:
> 1 FIWARE Zone - Daniel
> 2 TeamDev - Andrea
> 3 Future City - Tom
> 4 @collegues: who will join a well ?
> Angeles idea was to merge the booths and add FIWARE iHubs on the top and
> then each logo on the desk. We’ve to provide posters, roll ups by ourselves
> !
> I think for 3 iHubs with3 desks a booth of 18m2 will be okay.
> @iHub colleagues: please join the "FIWARE  iHub Booth" as well so we can
> promote FIWARE together !
> Regards,
> Tom
> Tom Willebrandts
> Op 26 apr. 2019, om 10:35 heeft Daniel Villalba <
> daniel.villalba at fiware.zone> het volgende geschreven:
> Hello Tom,
> We are also interested in sharing the booth. Let's talk about how many
> iHubs could share a booth as one booth is 3x3 metres.
> Thank you.
> BR.
> --
> Daniel Villalba
> Dinamizador FIWARE ZONE
> +34 693 80 81 22
> -
> www.fiware.zone
> -
> Pabellón de la Unión Europea
> Calle Isaac Newton, s/n
> 41092 Sevilla (Spain)
> --
> ------------------------------
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> El jue., 25 abr. 2019 a las 8:25, Future-City | Tom Willebrandts (<
> tom at future-city.nl>) escribió:
> Dear FIWARE iHub colleagues,
> Hereby I would like to remind you to mail from Angeles and the possibility
> to have a joint exhibition space for the iHubs and a common branding. Who
> is interested in participating ?
> Kindest regards,
> Tom
>    - Confirmation of iHubs attending the FIWARE Summit - *Please fill in
>    the table provided in the summary with information requested. *The
>    recommended approach is to have a joint exhibition space for the iHubs with
>    more than one booth and maybe common branding. Currently just the FIWARE
>    ihub in Netherlands booked a booth. Please let us know how many of you will
>    be interested in presenting your iHub and booking booths to create a joint
>    space. Those iHubs that are members of the FIWARE Foundation will get 50%
>    discount. You can book your exhibition package by applying here
>    <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSedkaygdvGf67KiLd6cEAW8f0dTad58rF4IjC9bnofI8OvLmw/viewform>.
>    More info on https://www.fiware.org/summit/ and the Exhibition Area
>    package
>    <https://www.fiware.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Exhibition-Sponsorship-FIWARE-Global-Summit-Genoa.pdf>
>    .
> Tom Willebrandts
> <image001.png>
> P.O.Box 1213  | 3800 BE Amersfoort | +31 (0) 6 52 53 55 83 | tom@
> future-city.nl | www.future-city.nl
> Deze e-mail is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde(n). Verstrekking
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> anderen is niet toegestaan. FutureCity sluit iedere aansprakelijkheid uit
> die voortvloeit uit
> elektronische verzending. Denk aan het milieu voordat u deze mail print.
> Op 22 apr. 2019, om 15:06 heeft Angeles Tejado <angeles.tejado at fiware.org>
> het volgende geschreven:
> Dear FIWARE iHubs,
> After our last MSC Conference Call, I'd like to share with you a summary.
> Main info and next steps are gathered in this document here
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ElfQXs_MNsIMt0iM0XOJqc8arhVscTObZ5u1oRG45gE/edit?usp=sharing>.
> The document must be considered as the basis for deeper discussion during
> the next MSC meeting (FIWARE Summit Genova - Monday 20th, May) and it is
> open for edition, comments, questions. It includes:
>    - *Basic info on Certification - Principles *(to be discussed further
>    in the MSC Meeting)
>    - *Next steps - Certification Process*: we already finished the first
>    round of exams and emailed to all candidates. Now we need to actions that
>    must be done before the Summit (Application and Confirmation):
>    - *Application: *FIWARE iHubs who want to get labelled as "FIWARE
>       Certification Centres" should* send an application* to the FIWARE
>       Foundation and they should provide the names of the current Certified Tech
>       Experts within their organisation that would carry out such certification
>       activities. They also have to provide the name of the
>       Director/Representative of the Centre.* (Please send your
>       applications before 26th April) *completing* this form
>       <https://forms.gle/cFbvFxLkRBgMYLyWA>.*
>       - *Confirmation**. *The FIWARE Foundation will confirm Certified
>       Tech Experts Qualification before the Summit in Genova.
>       - *Signature of Agreement*. The summary document includes the
>       details of the Agreement that will be signed by the FIWARE Foundation and
>       the person who acts as director of the FIWARE iHub. A *first draft
>       of this agreement* will be shared with the MSC before the next
>       meeting that will be held on Monday 20th, May.
>       - Complete Certification
>    - *Next Steps in Communications:*
>    - The FIWARE Foundation will promote the *results of any iHub and
>       related success stories at local level (stories from the city or from the
>       local entrepreneur community). *Example: FIWARE adoption in *Andalucía
>       Region *
>       <https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/CEFDIGITAL/2019/04/02/Andalusia+Smart+Region+uses+Context+Broker+for+intelligent+irrigation+system>published
>       in EC Europa CEF Digital. More details in the doc.
>       - *Template presentation to assess iHubs Activities and Services* -
>       A common  template
>       <https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zaF0VafuyssJA-iOU7Yn3THFgc-c0Qlf?usp=sharing>
>       has been already created (just content). This will be the starting point
>       for a presentation during the next FIWARE Summit (on Tuesday 21st) - *The
>       FF will provide with a basic template (designed) the 23rd/24th of April
>       2019.*
>       - Confirmation of iHubs attending the FIWARE Summit - *Please fill
>       in the table provided in the summary with information requested. *
>       The recommended approach is to have a joint exhibition space for the iHubs
>       with more than one booth and maybe common branding. Currently just the
>       FIWARE ihub in Netherlands booked a booth. Please let us know how many of
>       you will be interested in presenting your iHub and booking booths to create
>       a joint space. Those iHubs that are members of the FIWARE Foundation will
>       get 50% discount. You can book your exhibition package by applying
>       here
>       <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSedkaygdvGf67KiLd6cEAW8f0dTad58rF4IjC9bnofI8OvLmw/viewform>.
>       More info on https://www.fiware.org/summit/ and the Exhibition Area
>       package
>       <https://www.fiware.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Exhibition-Sponsorship-FIWARE-Global-Summit-Genoa.pdf>
>       .
>       - *FIWARE iHubs Meeting Mon**day 20th, May*: We have booked a room
>       to work all day with table, projector screen and about 50 chairs, available
>       (from 9.00 am to 8.00 pm) - Venue: Municipality of Genoa, Palazzo Tursi,
>       Via Garibaldi, 9, Genoa GE. Please Dani, confirm attendance,
>       arrival, etc...
>    - Proposed Agenda* (pending time slots)*
>    - MSC meeting (time slot - *AP Juan Marcelo/Dani*)
>    - Target MSC members
>    - Training for Certification of solutions in the Marketplace:
>    - Target FIWARE Experts working in FIWARE iHubs - *For those that send
>                the application*
>    - FIWARE Experts Examinations: new exams can be held for those that
>             did not passed the previous examinations or others that may apply. Remember
>             that application is always open (
>             https://www.fiware.org/community/fiware-experts/)
>    - FIWARE Evangelists on how to present FIWARE.
> As I said, all this points are explained in the summary. Please contact
> with me if you have any question.
> We encourage you to promote our FIWARE Summit
> <https://www.fiware.org/summit/>, the Open Call for Tech Experts
> <https://www.fiware.org/community/fiware-experts/> and also our FIWARE
> Evangelist Programme <https://www.fiware.org/community/evangelists/>. If
> we have enough audience we will have a training session on how to present
> Best regards.
> *Angeles Tejado*
> Senior Marketing Manager
> M. +34 608 50 88 73
> angeles.tejado at fiware.org
> www.fiware.org
> Skype: vemiles1
> <https://twitter.com/fiware>
> * <https://twitter.com/fiware>*
>   <https://twitter.com/fiware>
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