[Fiware-ihubs-committee] Fwd: FIWARE iHUB Committe @ FIWARE Summit in Genoa!

jcabello at innovalia.org jcabello at innovalia.org
Tue May 14 14:02:12 CEST 2019

Dear iHubs Team,


Same situation for me at this time ☹


Unfortunately this summit I can´t join with all of you.


I will try to take part at the ihub meeting on Monday 20th. 


See you next time.


We keep in touch,









Innovation Consultant

& Project Manager
Tel: (+34) 922 244 114 
jcabello at innovalia.org <mailto:acollado at carsa.es>  

Calle Santiago Cuadrado, 30.    
38002, Santa Cruz de Tenerife  •   SPAIN

 <http://www.innovalia.com/> www.innovalia.com 


P Antes de imprimir este mensaje, asegúrese de que es necesario.


De: fiware-ihubs-committee-bounces at lists.fiware.org <fiware-ihubs-committee-bounces at lists.fiware.org> En nombre de JUAN MARCELO GAITAN LEIVA
Enviado el: lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019 17:39
Para: fiware-ihubs-committee at lists.fiware.org
Asunto: [Fiware-ihubs-committee] Fwd: FIWARE iHUB Committe @ FIWARE Summit in Genoa!


Hello everyone


I am sorry to inform you that for reasons beyond my control, I will not be able to be at FIWARE SUMMIT this year.


I am working in collaboration with the FF, to organize all our activities, and I am convinced that everything will be a success.


I will participate in the FIWARE iHUB Committee on the 20th by video-conference.


Attached are the minutes of the meeting, so you can have a look before Monday.


I remain at your disposal and I hope we can see each other soon.


I am at your disposal 




Best wishes



Juan Marcelo Gaitán Leiva

Director of FIWARE ZONE

 <mailto:juanmarcelo.gaitanleiva at telefonica.com> juanmarcelo.gaitanleiva at telefonica.com
linkedin: juanmarcelogaitan

Twitter: @juanmgaitan

Telefónica España 

Dirección Desarrollo de Negocio e Innovación
Edificio Tabacalera, Módulo 5
Concejal Muñoz Cerván 3, 29004 Málaga, España

Tel. 95 176 89 20  Mov. 646 486 587






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