[FIWARE-ihubs-committee] Fiware iHub Agreement

Gonzalo Alfredo La Rosa glarosa at ciudadesdelfuturo.org.ar
Thu Dec 2 23:50:16 CET 2021

Hi Najat, hi everybody!

Attached is the FIWARE iHubs Agreement in Word format.
I remain available for any questions that may arise.

Remember that we would have to have the Agreements signed by the iHubs by
mid-December, so FF can sign them before 2022.

Greetings and thanks!


El jue, 2 dic 2021 a las 6:13, Najat Benyahia (<nbenyahia at mnc.ma>) escribió:

> Dear Gonzalo,
> Thank you for your email on 30 November. I would be grateful if you could
> send me the Fiware iHub Agreement in Word format in order to be able to
> complete it.
> Best regards.
> Najat
> *Najat BENYAHIA *
> *Chargée de mission Senior MNC **| *T +212 (0) 600 039 604
> *Follow us on :*
> <http://www.mnc.ma/>  <http://www.facebook.com/MarocNumericCluster>
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> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Szzm_z4T450>
> *P* *Please do not print this e-mail unless you really need to.*
> Le mar. 30 nov. 2021 à 08:01, Gonzalo Alfredo La Rosa <
> glarosa at ciudadesdelfuturo.org.ar> a écrit :
>> Dear friends of the FIWARE iHubs community,
>> We write to you this time to remind you that tomorrow, December 1 at 3:30
>> p.m. CET, we will have the last MSC meeting of the year (we will have one
>> more meeting in December but it will be for the Chair and Vice Chair vote).
>> For the meeting we will review the FIWARE iHubs that have signed the
>> Agreements, because we have to start 2022 with all of them signed. Attached
>> is the final version of the Agreement so that you can all send it signed by
>> e-mail to Ali and me.
>> On the other hand, we want to present once again the guidelines of the
>> FIWARE Validation Center program, which is an opportunity to strengthen the
>> local community around FIWARE iHubs, and to promote economic
>> sustainability. Attached is the Agreement that must be signed.
>> *And of course we will talk about FIWARE Summit 2022 activities!!*
>> *Finally, we invite you to that if you have something to communicate or a
>> slot to present your activities, do not hesitate to write to us to reserve
>> it.*
>> Thank you very much and see you tomorrow!!
>> --
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