[FIWARE-ihubs-committee] 🚀 FIWARE iHubs participation in the FIWARE Global Summit - Gran Canaria 19-20 January 2022

Angeles Tejado angeles.tejado at fiware.org
Fri Nov 12 11:07:14 CET 2021

Dear FIWARE iHubs.

The next FIWARE Global Summit in Gran Canaria
<https://www.fiware.org/global-summit/> 19-20 January, 2020, will be an
excellent opportunity for the FIWARE iHub network to meet and share
experiences. Our community is playing an important role in the FIWARE
Ecosystem, and for that purpose we invite you to participate actively
during the Summit days.

In this edition, we will have an* exclusive track focused on DIHs and
FIWARE iHubs as drivers for the creation of innovation ecosystems* through
the use of technologies that stimulate the development of competitive
businesses in digital transformation environments.

Through 5-10 minutes pitches in a live stage surrounded by an open
exhibition and networking area, you will have the opportunity to engage
with the audience and invite those interested to a dedicated table for
further business talks afterwards.

In order to coordinate and prepare the content of this track, we need some
data from your side before November 26.

Fill in 👉  this survey
take less than one minute! Please provide your feedback *before November
26th. *We will discuss all together in our next MSC meeting planned to be
held on December 1st (you will receive an invitation soon).

In the meantime please do not hesitate to get your super early bird tickets
for the FIWARE Summit!

PD: If you want to contribute to any other track of the FIWARE Global
Summit, the call for contribution is open till November 26!

See you soon!

Angeles Tejado
Senior Marketing Manager
M. +34 608 50 88 73
angeles.tejado at fiware.org
Skype: vemiles1

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