[FIWARE-ihubs-committee] FIWARE iHubs next MSC meeting

Gonzalo Alfredo La Rosa glarosa at ciudadesdelfuturo.org.ar
Tue Nov 30 08:00:00 CET 2021

Dear friends of the FIWARE iHubs community,

We write to you this time to remind you that tomorrow, December 1 at 3:30
p.m. CET, we will have the last MSC meeting of the year (we will have one
more meeting in December but it will be for the Chair and Vice Chair vote).

For the meeting we will review the FIWARE iHubs that have signed the
Agreements, because we have to start 2022 with all of them signed. Attached
is the final version of the Agreement so that you can all send it signed by
e-mail to Ali and me.

On the other hand, we want to present once again the guidelines of the
FIWARE Validation Center program, which is an opportunity to strengthen the
local community around FIWARE iHubs, and to promote economic
sustainability. Attached is the Agreement that must be signed.

*And of course we will talk about FIWARE Summit 2022 activities!!*

*Finally, we invite you to that if you have something to communicate or a
slot to present your activities, do not hesitate to write to us to reserve

Thank you very much and see you tomorrow!!

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