[FIWARE-ihubs-committee] Fwd: I: Advanced Digital Skills in the DIGITAL Europe Programme

Harris (Theocharis) Moysiadis tmoysiadis at f-in.eu
Fri May 6 10:05:46 CEST 2022

Dear Ali, Irene,
thank you for this.
We also received this email but I think we are very close to the deadline
and we wouldn't be able to sufficiently prepare this proposal.
Although 8-9 proposals shall be accepted while there is a page limit of 70
Please let us know if you have identified a dedicated coordinator for this.
We have also discussed this coordinator issue nationally, with no results,
yet. I will certainly let you know if something comes up.
Best regards,


*Harris Moysiadis*
Business Architect - Future Intelligence Ltd
w: www.f-in.eu e: *tmoysiadis*@f-in.eu <tmoysiadis at f-in.eu>
*p:* (+30) 2130417996 - (+44) 2033938902 - (+35) 725123508
  theocharis moysiadis
Connect with us:
<https://www.linkedin.com/company/2651298/> <http://www.f-in.eu/>

On Tue, May 3, 2022 at 1:32 PM Ali Benbrahim <ali.bb at ipnet.tn> wrote:

> Dear All,
> Just receive this opportunity from Irene,thanks to here, i any strong
> interest,  we can meet before end of this week, as deadline is very short
> (17th of may)
> Our concept note can be in three points:
> enhance the 'read thedocs ' of fiware ,
> invite regional universities to coop and translate
> extend the fiware certification program
> BR
> Ali.
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Irene Provvidenza <i.provvidenza at teamdev.it>
> Date: Tue, 3 May 2022 at 10:53
> Subject: I: Advanced Digital Skills in the DIGITAL Europe Programme
> To: Ali Benbrahim <ali.bb at ipnet.tn>
> Dear Ali,
> I hope this email finds you well!
> We have received this email about this interesting opportunity within the
> Digital Europe programme.
> Unfortunately, the deadline is very soon, May 17, so we think it is very
> difficult for a single ihub to write a proposal.
> Maybe you and the DIHs network were already planning to participate? Maybe
> we could arrange a collaboration?
> I copy here below the direct link to the call:
> https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic-details/digital-2022-training-02-short-courses;callCode=DIGITAL-2022-TRAINING-02
> Please, let me know your thoughts and in the meantime I wish you a very
> nice day!
> Best regards,
> *Irene Provvidenza*
> Business Developer
> *Linkedin* <https://www.linkedin.com/company/teamdev-tech/>*  Facebook
> <https://www.facebook.com/TeamDev.srl>  Twitter
> <https://twitter.com/TeamDevTech>* |  *www.teamdev.it
> <http://www.teamdev.it/>*
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> ------------------------------
> *Da:* CNECT-DIH at ec.europa.eu <CNECT-DIH at ec.europa.eu>
> *Inviato:* venerdì 29 aprile 2022 15:57
> *A:* CNECT-DIH at ec.europa.eu <CNECT-DIH at ec.europa.eu>
> *Oggetto:* Advanced Digital Skills in the DIGITAL Europe Programme
> Dear DIH,
> We would like to inform you about an extraordinary *EU funding
> opportunity in advanced digital skills*. The currently open Call under
> the DIGITAL Europe Programme dedicates *€25 million to train people* in
> advanced digital technologies. It will fund *short-term trainings* to
> help businesses (in particular SMEs) upskill their employees in areas such
> as AI, cybersecurity, IoT, Cloud, Microelectronics, etc. These trainings
> will increase the number of people able to design, develop and deploy
> digital solutions in the economy and across sectors. This is a major
> opportunity for many companies from various tech fields that cannot grow
> and innovate due to the lack of digital experts.
> *Who can apply?*
> The Call is open to consortia between education or training providers and
> business or professional associations. Cooperation with Digital Innovation
> Hubs and excellence centres in digital technologies is very much
> encouraged.
> *Where to find information?*
> You can find all the details and relevant links on the Digital Skills and
> Jobs Platform
> <https://digital-skills-jobs.europa.eu/en/about/digital-europe-programme>.
> The page contains links to the Call text, FAQs and to the recording of a
> virtual Info day that took place in March. To find partners, we recommend
> to join the dedicated group
> <https://digital-skills-jobs.europa.eu/en/community/groups/partner-digital-skills-networking-group>
> where dozens of companies and organisations presented themselves and
> pitched how they can contribute to potential consortia.
> *Deadline*: the Call will close on 17 May 2022
> Feel free to forward this information to any of your partners in case it
> can be useful for them.
> Thank you and take care,
> __________________________________________________________________________________________
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