[FIWARE-ihubs-committee] Fwd: DSBA hubs meeting

Ali Benbrahim ali.bb at ipnet.tn
Fri Feb 10 16:30:55 CET 2023

Dear all,
herewith the final agenda of the DSBA Hubs, don't forget to register and to
Ali Benbrahim

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ali Benbrahim <ali.bb at ipnet.tn>
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2023 at 17:37
Subject: Re: DSBA hubs meeting
To: Fiware-ihubs-committee <Fiware-ihubs-committee at lists.fiware.org>

Dear All,
This is a reminder
Please notice only 40 hubs registered on 100
On Tue, 24 Jan 2023 at 17:22, Ali Benbrahim <ali.bb at ipnet.tn> wrote:

> Dear All, as you know the Data Space Business Alliance DSBA is
> coordinating the Hubs to align a community . As coordinating group we will
> have a webinar for all the 100 hubs (FIWARE+BDVA+GAIA-X+IDSA)
> this is the draft program of the webinar , and don't forget to register
> and attend, a lot of opportunities will come out of it . please feed me
> back on the program if
> - you have a comment
> - you want to present 5 minutes for any data space project
> Draft Program:
> *DSBA HUB **Communities* *Meeting*
> *Objectives:*
> - Bring together for the first time DSBA Hubs communities to find
> synergies, differences, ways to collaborate and enhance cross-contamination
> - Present DSBA overall vision and DSBA Hubs mission to Hubs communities
> - Present DSBA HUbs work and collaboration tools in progress
> - Brainstorm on new collaboration ideas
> - Showcase best collaboration cases among hubs
> *Audience:* DSBA Hub communities
> *When: *14th February 11.00 – 13.00
> *Where: Online, Zoom*
> *Registration** Link: *https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrfuGurz8uHdKrXPT8xcyNfBcNvj92XRAi
> *Draft Agenda:*
> <https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrfuGurz8uHdKrXPT8xcyNfBcNvj92XRAi>
> *Moderator: **Ana*
> <https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrfuGurz8uHdKrXPT8xcyNfBcNvj92XRAi>
> 11.00 DSBA vision – *Thomas Hahn + Presidents *
> 11.20 DSBA Operations (update on activities) *Francesco Lars* (market
> adoption) *Ulrich* (technology convergence) *Ana* (DSBA Hubs: mission and
> strategy)
> 11.40 Who are our Hubs (presentation of each Hub) *Alessandra; Carlos;
> Ali; Daniel*
> 11.55 DSBA Hubs: Interactive Tools and collaboration value – FIWARE
> (Vincent?)
> 12.05 Breakout sessions: collaboration ideas (breakout sessions: 5
> popular verticals selected via registration form)
> 12.20 Session results review
> 12.30 Best practice: Belgium and Netherlands, EUhubs4data – collaborate
> together (20 min – 5 mins/best practice) (France: IMT Luis
> Pineda/Anne-Shopie Taillandier ; Belgium: Jelle Hoedemaekers; Netherlands:
> Peter Verkoulen; euhubs4data: Daniel Alonso; ITI; i4Trust: Vincent
> Demortier)
> 12.50 Conclusions and next steps (next webinar, plan for the year)
> 12. 55 Q&A
> Bests
> Ali.
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