Estimados Miembros de FIWARE LATAM We would like you to be the first to join the discussion on the Data Spaces topic. The below session will be dedicated to North and Latinamerica and will be in English. Find here your i*nvitation to the 2 day FIWARE SMART FEST (FSF) .*Get your free ticket here <> . More details below. Please sign in advance, we will use the Airmeet platform which runs better on Chrome so make sure you have that installed. We will start and finish punctually. There might be an opportunity to network after the session on demand.Full agenda in our website. *DETAILS* *When? *During the 2 day FSF we will host a dedicated session for NA and LATAM. * Data Spaces State of Play in NA and LATAM session **January 20th *18:00- 19:00 CET(Berlin) ,*11am Mexico, 12:00 in Washington DC,Lima, Bogota,14:00 Arg,Ur, Brazil.* Data is an essential resource for economic growth, competitiveness, innovation, job creation and social advancement. Data Spaces <>-currently a hot topic in Europe- can be defined as a decentralized data ecosystem built around commonly agreed Building Blocks enabling an effective and trusted sharing of data. This Session will bring Data Spaces <> topic more close to North and Latin America because we truly believe it has a global dimension despite the different challenges in the regions. Be the first in North and Latin America to engage in this topic and spread the word there. We are planning to have a follow up session later in the next few months. So with this session you will be certainly well equipped to continue the conversation in the region. Our position paper <>will also be a good lightning rod which you can download in advance. Join this dedicated session for NA and LATAM on January 20, 18:00-19:00 CET time, 11am Mexico, 12:00 in Washington DC,Lima, Bogota,14:00 Arg,Ur, Brazil. Sign up for your 2 day free ticket here <> Among our distinguished panelists for this session: Phillip Cases <>, CEO of ReadWrite Labs and TopioNetworks and Peter Fatelnig <> the EU Minister-Counselor for Digital Economy Policy in Washington DC and our FIWARE CEO, Ulrich Ahle, CTO Juanjo Hierro. Our panel will be hosted on the 2nd day for LATAM and NA. But the whole event starts 19 January 10 am CET time(Berlin). -- Karen Vega Senior Manager karen.vega at <> Linked-In/Karen Vega <> "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." H. Jackson Brown, Jr. American Author <> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- __________________________________________________________________________________________ You can get more information about our cookies and privacy policies on the following links: - - fiware-in-latam mailing list fiware-in-latam at To unsubscribe from fiware-in-latam mailing list, go to the information page of the list at:
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