[fiware-in-argentina] [fiware-in-latam] 14 Septiembre Observatorio de Politicas sobre Distributed Ledger Technologies (Blockchain) para sector publico

Karen Vega karen.vega at fiware.org
Thu Sep 8 06:09:42 CEST 2022

Estimados Lideres de FIWARE en LATAM

De vuelta de Andicom Cartagena Colombia donde nos encontramos con una
vibrante comunidad TIC,   nos encantaría que lideres interesados en
Blockchain puedan participar de este *Observatorio de Políticas *sobre el
tema de  Distributed Ledger Technologies (Blockchain) para sector público,
los resultados de estas sesiones se publican en la página web este proyecto
llamado TOKEN <https://token-project.eu>: Transformative Impact of
Blockchain Technologies in Public Service. Este evento se dará en persona
durante el FIWARE Summit a realizarse en Gran Canaria la próxima semana ,
yo estaré allí. Excepcionalmente habrá streaming solo de esta sesión con un
cupo limitado. El evento será en Ingles asi que los animo a registrarse ya
líneas abajo!

Esto se llevará a cabo el 14 de  Septiembre .* Notese que  por la
diferencia horaria  de Europa con  LATAM el horario de 11:30 am (GMT+1) es
equivalente a 5:30 am.(en Perú y Colombia) . Les recomiendo los Pioneer Use
cases allí se presentarán los casos de uso con Blockchain pues de seguro
les interesara saber como Europa esta usando esto ya. *

Yo estaré de manera presencial en España, así que sería un gusto verlos o
presencial o en el streaming de esta sesión! Hacer click en las lineas
punteadas para ver la información de este Observatorio.
Un gran saludo

*Welcome to TOKEN's Policy Observatory event!*

*You are cordially invited to join our fourth Policy Observatory – either
in person in Gran Canaria or by viewing the stream
online. This event brings together professionals working with applications
of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) in the public sector to discuss
operative learnings, the policy landscape and scaling potential related to
current Use Cases. In addition to presenting four TOKEN Pioneer Use Cases
<https://token-project.eu/use-cases/> and their lessons so far, we will
learn about scaling from an expert from a scaled Case, the Energy Wallet.
<https://energieknip.nl/en/> We will also share thoughts in a panel
discussion moderated by the think tank Demos Helsinki
<https://demoshelsinki.fi/>.At the event, we hope to crystallize the
learnings from Use Cases, making it easier to improve and scale similar DLT
projects especially in the European context. After the Observatory we will
recommend best practices for cities, and the European public sector more
widely.Below you will find the programme and other essential information
about the event. We hope to see you in September!*

Register to view the stream online (free)
Buy tickets to the Fiware Summit (charges apply)

💡The essentials:

📆 14th September 2022, 11:30–13.30 GMT+1
📍 Live at Fiware Summit <https://www.fiware.org/global-summit/>, Gran
Canaria and
🌐 Streamed online
*📢 *This invitation can be circulated freely

What purposes does the event serve?

   - A means to get acquainted with latest Distributed Ledger Technology
   applications in the European public sector
   - A forum to discuss the needs for policy and regulations, operative
   possibilities and challenges, and learn about scaling
   - A way to connect with people working with public sector DLTs

For whom is it intended?

   - *Professionals working (or aspiring to work) with public sector DLT
   applications*, e.g.:
      - Chief Technology Officers of cities
      - Civil servants working, or intending to work with DLTs and tech
      projects, smart cities etc.
      - Policy makers interested in the digital transformation of their
      - Innovations and tech specialists within public administration
      - Researchers
      - Developers/industry professionals

How can I register?

   - If you want to watch the stream free of charge, please register here
   We’ll send you a link to the live stream and remind you when it starts.
   - If you want to attend the live event, please purchase tickets to the
   Fiware Summit in Gran Canaria here
   . *Please note, that you'll have to buy a ticket to the whole Summit –
   there are no specific Observatory tickets available.*

[image: Twitter] <https://twitter.com/token_eu> Twitter
[image: YouTube]
<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7TQJa15qHlGqSMH-Z4lrgQ/featured> YouTube
[image: LinkedIn] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/tokenproject/about/>
LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/company/tokenproject/about/>
[image: TOKEN website] <https://token-project.eu/> TOKEN website
[image: DTL4Gov] <https://spaces.fundingbox.com/c/dlt4gov> DTL4Gov
Register to view the stream online (free)
Buy tickets to the Fiware Summit (charges apply)

FIWARE Linkedin
FIWARE Twitter https://twitter.com/FIWARE/status/1557760136755691520


Karen Vega
Senior Manager

karen.vega at fiware.org

Linked-In/Karen Vega <https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenvega/>
 "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." H. Jackson
Brown, Jr. American Author

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