[Fiware-incense-coaching] Proton cep rule not working

Federico Di Pierro f.dipierro at atooma.com
Tue Apr 12 14:03:15 CEST 2016

I noticed i was using "assertion" in "RoomEPA" instead of using
"filterExpression" (as i'm doing with my other EPAs).
This is "RoomEPA" new version: http://dpaste.com/0CNPAXC. It is still not
working though.

Federico Di Pierro

2016-04-12 13:31 GMT+02:00 Federico Di Pierro <f.dipierro at atooma.com>:

> Hi,
> i'm having a strange problem with a Proton rule: it should send a
> notification only when "internal temperature" and "external temperature"
> delta is above X.
> The issue is that the notification is always sent.
> Here is an example of what is pushed to cb (cep is subscribed obviously):
> *Pushing: {"attributes": [{"type": "float", "name": "temperature",
> "value": 19.336043141513539}, {"type": "float", "name":
> "external_temperature", "value": 17.0}, {"type": "float", "name":
> "temp_delta", "value": 5.0}], "type": "Room", "id":
> "24246936d26f1544c3ede62259018d850a70b88482044610beeece9eef2c1ecf:Room",
> "isPattern": "false"}*
> (note that i tried with "type": "Double" too).
> And here is a snippet from my cep rule: http://dpaste.com/3HA0RM6.
> Any idea?
> Thanks,
> Federico Di Pierro
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