When trying to run a hive query, I receive the following, Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException: org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DSQuotaExceededException: The DiskSpace quota of /user/ms is exceeded: quota=5368709120 diskspace consumed=5.7g although looking at my HDFS usage, where I have only one file, I see the file size is only about ~ 2G [ms at cosmosmaster-gi ~]$ hadoop fs -ls /user/ms/def_serv/def_servpath/all_ongoingtraffic Found 1 items -rw-r--r-- 3 ms ms 2028349191 2016-03-02 15:14 /user/ms/def_serv/def_servpath/all_ongoingtraffic/all_ongoingtraffic.txt Thanks! -- *Menachem Shtalhaim* menachem.shtalhaim at n-join.com <elkana at n-join.com> | +972-5 <%2B972-527-213941>47241959 | www.n-join.com *n-Join – Maximizing industrial potential* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-incense-coaching/attachments/20160308/61b64f97/attachment.html>
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