[Fiware-individual-members] Help us Promote the FIWARE Global Summit in Berlin!

Charlotte Kotterman charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org
Fri Aug 2 11:41:33 CEST 2019

 Communications Kit-20190802-FIWAREGlobalSummit ...
Dear Individual Members,

I hope this email finds you well and you are enjoying the summer months.

As the upcoming FIWARE Global Summit <https://www.fiware.org/summit/> in
Berlin draws near I would like to ask you to help us promote the event in
your own channels. We have got great things lined up that I am sure will be
of interest to your communities and networks as well. It would therefore be
fantastic and much appreciated if you could help us spread the word.

Please find attached the *communications kit* to help you get started. Feel
free to adapt the content to your own needs and to use your channels and
networks to support the promotion of the FIWARE Global Summit, the Startup
Day <https://www.fiware.org/summit/startup-day/> and the FIWARE Hackathon

In addition, of interest to you as a an Individual Member will be the Call
for Contributions <http://www.fiware.org/summit/#contributions>, Exhibition
Booth Rent-out <http://www.fiware.org/summit/#PARTICIPATE>, and Sponsorship
Packages <http://www.fiware.org/summit/#PARTICIPATE>. You are an essential
part of the FIWARE Community and we therefore hope to see all of you at the
event. Good to mention is that we have a special discount for Individual
Members for booth spaces. The FIWARE booth will also attract attendees from
the Smart Country Convention and so it will be a great opportunity for all
who take part.

Let's make it a fantastic event together! *Super Early Bird tickets *are
now on sale so don't forget to take advantage of that offer as well.
See you in Berlin for the 7th #FIWARESummit!

Charlotte Kotterman
Community Manager
charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org
Skype: charlotte.kotterman

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