Quarantine or not, the show must go on! It has been great seeing how the FIWARE Community has adapted to the current situation (the new normal) and is moving forward with positivity, innovative ideas, and a continued willingness to impact the world for the better. Want to let us know what you are up to? Have you got exciting news or opportunities to share? Do let us know by getting in touch with Charlotte Kotterman <charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org>. Interested in becoming one of our Impact Stories? Tonia Sapia <tonia.sapia at fiware.org?subject=FIWARE%20Impact%20Stories> is here to help turn that into a reality. Without further ado, let's crack on with this month's Marketing Round-up. *ACCELERATOR PROGRAM* The *FIWARE Acceleration Program* will be launched in May. The program is an innovative model of partnerships that FIWARE will establish with accelerators, as well as profit and non-profit international organizations to offer the best business opportunities and technical coaching and training around the FIWARE Open Source technologies. Stay tuned for more exciting information! *OVERCOME COVID-19* There is no time like the present to join forces and to come together with innovative, Open Source, ready-to-use solutions with one common goal: to fight COVID-19 (and other viruses). Do you have ‘off the shelf’ Open Source, FIWARE-based solutions that are contributing to robust healthcare? Join our *COVID-19 o**pen call* and share it with us. Shared contributions will initially be featured on our website and later, potentially compiled into a booklet. * MORE INFO <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=56382af3c2&e=f5e8d867ad> * *iHUB HIGHLIGHTS* *FIWARE Zone:* The deadline for the *Challenge IOT* <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=d5a62a6f8d&e=f5e8d867ad> Call for Sponsors for public administrations in need of a Smart Solution for their region has been extended to 29 May! *Future City iHub:* Join their *Online Mission* <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=6038749223&e=f5e8d867ad> to Brussels on Thursday 30 April at 3 PM (CEST) to "Make Your Smart City a European Smart City". *Innova Hub: *Stay tuned for the launch of their upcoming Smart City-focused *webinar series* <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=f8b1afbe3e&e=f5e8d867ad>, with the 1st webinar set to take place on 14 May. You can find the full list of FIWARE iHubs on the FIWARE Website <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=eda0d835d0&e=f5e8d867ad> . *ROBOTICS WEBINAR* On 6 May at 10:00-11:00 (CEST), FIWARE Technical Expert Francisco Meléndez will return with a 2nd *#WednesdayWebinar* on Robotics: How to develop FIWARE NGSI interfaces for robots. Discover the different alternatives to develop FIWARE-ready robots and the main FIWARE components that can facilitate these developments. This will be the last of our 4 scheduled webinars, but there will be more in the near future. You heard it here first! * MORE INFO <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=1c99e8c029&e=f5e8d867ad> * *MAKING AN IMPACT* The DE4Bios *FIWARE Impact Story* with Engineering is live in 3 different languages: English, Spanish, and German. Learn more about Engineering’s ready-to-use FIWARE-based biosurveillance system that is providing medical staff with a real-time view of persons that tested for COVID-19, with the test result and a quick geo-localization visible on a map of the positive cases, among many other benefits. Next up is the use of a 'Powered by FIWARE' Smart City Platform in Vienna, and an Impact Story from the Agrifood domain. READ MORE <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=1c2e0ae831&e=f5e8d867ad> <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=93f48f19a3&e=f5e8d867ad> *MISSED A WEBINAR?* Missed our #WednesdayWebinar on '*Securing FIWARE IoT Devices*' last week, a live coding session and commentary, demonstrating various techniques and methods for securing the interactions between Devices, IoT Agents, and the Context Broker? Fear not. All our webinars are recorded and waiting to be (re)visited on the FIWARE Youtube channel. Links to slide decks can be found in the description box of each video. WATCH VIDEO <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=aa7ba9042c&e=f5e8d867ad> *POWERING UP CITIES* We are proud to be featured in the latest edition of *Mark and Focus *magazine, which covers both the risks and opportunities mega-trends such as climate change and economic growth, provide to business, governance, and society. In the article, we talk about how the FIWARE Community, using FIWARE Open Source technologies, is powering up resilient cities worldwide. One of those solutions is 'Powered by FIWARE' Bettair Cities, which maps urban air pollution in cities. READ MORE <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=c6f361e8f8&e=f5e8d867ad> *JOIN THE FIWARE MARKETPLACE* We passionately believe in helping the FIWARE Community to promote their businesses. The Marketplace is a global one-stop-shop that gives access to a wide range of existing commercial offerings around FIWARE. The Marketplace hereby helps entrepreneurs to gain visibility and credibility, essential to building partnerships and gaining market traction. *APPLY TO BE CERTIFIED* <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=591e48d9d0&e=f5e8d867ad> *CITES BASED ON FIWARE* Calling all *FIWARE-powered cities*! FIWARE has been adopted by a large number of cities around the world, but due to the nature of Open Source, it is not always immediately known to us which cities have decided to use FIWARE. We plan to put a process in place to further gather this information and create a curated list of cities using FIWARE or planning to use FIWARE, not only to identify Impact Stories but also for the benefit of our members and their business activities. Stay tuned for the Open Call to be launched in May 2020. *CLIMATE CHANGE V. 4.0* Climate change continues to be a topic that is more relevant than ever. In the *"Fighting Climate Change with FIWARE"* <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=1104af3dfd&e=f5e8d867ad> booklet we have thus far highlighted 28 FIWARE-powered Smart Solutions that help tackle and minimize the effects of climate change. Want to be included in version 4.0, due to be published in June? This will be the final call until fall so do not miss this opportunity to contribute your solution. * OPEN CALL <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=2c57406168&e=f5e8d867ad> * *SMART CITY USE CASE* *Cartagena (Spain)* has initiated innovative urban planning for the adaptation to climate change focused on health. It has deployed a Smart City platform based on Open Source, developed in cooperation with FIWARE Foundation Gold Member *HOPU*, which integrates datasets from utilities, social, health aspects, and sensors over a metropolitan LoRa network to monitor air quality, noise, and more. * VIEW VIDEO <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=3059f29450&e=f5e8d867ad> * *THE RESULTS ARE IN!* How is COVID-19 affecting how we work and the quality of our work? Insights from a survey study conducted by FIWARE Foundation Gold Member *Martel Innovate* among the EC funded projects’ partners network and the wider community to better understand remote working practices in the context of the COVID-19 crisis have been published. They include very interesting findings that encourage further discussion. * READ MORE <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=97592d71dd&e=f5e8d867ad> * *ON THE HORIZON* We are excited to be the latest signatory of the *Shared Mobility Principles for Livable Cities* <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=c66e8850c2&e=f5e8d867ad>, which prioritize people over vehicles, lower emissions, and encourage data sharing, among other goals. So far, 160+ companies and governments have signed on as a guiding vision for more sustainable, inclusive, prosperous, and resilient cities. In cooperation with NUMO <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=4c7e60074b&e=f5e8d867ad>, FIWARE joins the growing movement that sees smart mobility as the answer to tackle urban issues. More to come on this news in the very near future. *JOIN THE UPCOMING CALLS* *Are you a FIWARE Platinum, Gold, or Associate member? Want to take part in the calls but have not yet done so? *We would kindly like to ask you to provide the details of the person in charge of marketing and/or communications within your organization so we can invite the relevant person(s) to the upcoming calls. The next Marketing Round-up call will happen *on 20 May at 14:00-15:00 (CET)*. *FILL OUT THE FORM* <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=fbb4cfa50a&e=f5e8d867ad> [image: Facebook] <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=1ec095461f&e=f5e8d867ad> [image: Twitter] <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=ded54b302b&e=f5e8d867ad> [image: LinkedIn] <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=8a6334a425&e=f5e8d867ad> [image: YouTube] <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=ba753b3cb1&e=f5e8d867ad> [image: Website] <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=e0d01ee6bc&e=f5e8d867ad> *Copyright © 2020 FIWARE Foundation, e.V., All rights reserved.* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... 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