[Fiware-individual-members] CEFAT4Cities virtual Hackathon - Get the chance to present your solution and WIN PRIZE MONEY!

Tonia Sapia tonia.sapia at fiware.org
Mon Jan 31 12:40:43 CET 2022

*                 Apply  and you will show off your innovative idea, build
up your solution for prestigious stakeholders and win prizes money!*

FIWARE  Foundation recently launched a *virtual hackathon* in the
scope of CEFAT4Cities
project  <https://cefat4cities.eu/>

(financed by Connecting Europe Facilityin the context of Horizon 2020

CEFAT4Cities Hackathon is a virtual global competition. The specific
challenge is proposed by FIWARE Foundation and Berlin TXL
<https://www.berlintxl.de/> and it is focused on *Smart cities and Open

📣*What is important to know:*

***Challenge description *

Create a multi-language app for visitors that helps to explore the site of
Berlin TXL: the heritage listed architecture as well as the future
development of the site into a smart and sustainable innovation campus.

***How to submit proposal *

Submit your application by filling the form here


*15 February 2022 *

*💰💰Prizes *

1st place: 5.000 euro
2nd place: 3.000 euro
3rd place: 2.000 euro

*Do not miss it! *

Here is the link to the website with all the information
Tonia Sapia
Marketing and Project Manager
tonia.sapia at fiware.org <charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org>
Skype: tonia133
LinkedIn: Tonia Sapia <http://linkedin.com/in/tonia-sapia-a171bb63>

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