[Fiware-individual-members] SecurIT project - Cascade funding opportunity

Tonia Sapia tonia.sapia at fiware.org
Thu Mar 31 12:30:24 CEST 2022

Dear Community member,

We are contacting you to introduce a *SecurIT, *an EU-funded project that
is aiming to create the new smart and resilient cities of tomorrow.
The project main scope is  develop new innovative solutions in Security and
Cybersecurity applied on three main Domain of Challenges:

   - *Domain 1, Sensitive Infrastructure Protection,* solutions that
   pertains to the securing of assets and systems that are essential for the
   functioning of a society and economy.
   - *Domain 2, Optimisation of prediction of disaster* and communication
   and warning systems in case of disaster
   - *Domain 3, Develop innovative tools* that create increasingly
   connected and protected cities in which the population takes on a more
   active role in serving the community.

*SecurIT will be selecting 21 projects per Open Call aiming to develop new
prototypes or demonstrators in the Security and Cybersecurity domains  *
with support from SecurIT consortium.

             The selected beneficiaries will receive up to € 88,000.*
If you want to learn more about us and the project you can visit our
website at
https://bit.ly/3ivZ458 Or write an email at *info.securit at fundingbox.com*
<info.securit at fundingbox.com>

If you feel it is not the right time for you at this stage feel free to
share with your network and let them be aware about this great opportunity!

Best Regards

   Tonia Sapia
Marketing and Project Manager
tonia.sapia at fiware.org <charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org>
Skype: tonia133
LinkedIn: Tonia Sapia <http://linkedin.com/in/tonia-sapia-a171bb63>

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