Dear member representative, According to the FIWARE bylaws <>, The FIWARE TSC is the body where technical decisions are taken and follows up on the evolution of the different FIWARE components (incubated or consolidated). Also where technical roadmap discussions take place. The FIWARE Technical Steering Committee (TSC) shall be renewed on a yearly basis and this mail is to report on progress of the current elections and also give you the chance to participate. The FIWARE TSC is composed by: * **One representative of each Platinum Member (PM)** * ******Two representatives of each FIWARE Chapter, elected by the corresponding FIWARE Chapter Active Contributors** * **Remarkable Individual Members elected by the whole group of Chapter Active Contributors, up to one third of the number of Chapter Leaders plus PM representatives.** Election of FIWARE TSC seats take place in two rounds: * First round, representatives of FIWARE Chapters are elected * Second round, remarkable individuals are elected The first step in the election process has been completed with the election of representatives of the several FIWARE Chapters. This is a process organized within each chapter. Election of these seats has been completed today and results can be found in the table below: * FIWARE Chapter Elected representatives (in alphabetical order of surnames) Core Fermín Galán, Benoit Orihuela Core Connectors Pooja Pathak, Joaquín Salvachua Processing and Visualization Álvaro Arranz, Flavio Cirillo Interface to IoT, 3rd systems Alain Galdemas, Cyrille Sauvignac Interface to Robotics Gabriele De Luca, Jaime Martin-Losa Security and API Management Álvaro Alonso, Dennis Wendland Data Publication and Trading Francisco de la Vega Tutorials Jason Fox, Kazuhito Suda FIWARE Lab Alfonso Pietropaolo, Ajay Yadav QA Lab Fernando López, Pasquale Vitale FIWARE on K8S StefanWiedemann Smart Data Models Alberto Abella, Marc Despland * On the other hand, current representatives of Platinum members are summarized in the following table: * Platinum member (listed in alphabetical order9 Representative Atos Clara Pezuela AWS Ali Benfattoum Engineering Piero Corte (with Laura Pucci as proxy) NEC Martin Bauer Red Hat Johnny Westerlund Telefónica Miguel Angel Pedraza Trigyn Sirish Simha * Now, it comes the time for election of remarkable individuals. Up to 9 seats will be completed through this process. This will take place in two steps: 1. Reception of Candidatures: o If you wish to candidate for a seat, please add your candidature to this document <>. As you will see, there is a space for you to provide a pitch. You can check some of the pitches already in place as case example. o Deadline for reception of candidatures: Friday 9th, 12:00 CET 2. Election among candidates: o A process will be put in place for FIWARE Chapter Active Contributors to cast their vote on candidatures if there are more candidates that seats. This process will be kicked-off on the same Friday o Deadline for voting: Tuesday September 13th, 12:00 CET The final list of FIWARE TSC members will be announced during the FIWARE Global Summit. Note that election of remarkable individuals is open to any individual member of the FIWARE Foundation, despite voting on candidates is limited to FIWARE Chapter Active Contributors. They are expected to be candidates that meet merits in terms of relevant contribution to FIWARE and able to contribute to technical discussions at the FIWARE TSC. Note that candidates should bear in mind that the FIWARE TSC members are expected to meet every Monday from 10:30 to 12:30 CET (Central European Time). We expect FIWARE TSC members to join regularly and participate actively in the discussions. Besides, FIWARE TSC members are expected to participate as individual and see for the interest of FIWARE and the FIWARE Community, not representing the interest of their organization. In this respect, as individual FIWARE Foundation members they are committed to follow the FIWARE Code of Conduct <> (note that you may run as candidate even if you are not yet individual member but you have to become individual member to make your election valid). Last but not least, I would like to take advantage to remind that everyone in the FIWARE Community is welcome to join the FIWARE TSC meetings since they are public, even if they are not elected members. That is always a great opportunity to follow-up on progress of the different FIWARE components and roadmap plans. You can find all the minutes of previous FIWARE TSCs and information how to connect here <>. Best regards, -- Document Juanjo Hierro Chief Technology Officer juanjose.hierro at <> Twitter: @fiware <> @JuanjoHierro <> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: foundation-logo.png Type: image/png Size: 8201 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>
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