[Fiware-iot-ready] I Think You Love Me Now

Clara info at mail1.oltronics.com
Fri Aug 19 05:32:19 CEST 2016

I Think You Love Me Now

I know that you're very very thankful for the
helpful information I've been sending you,
that you're starting to love me now.

But kidding aside! :)

Don't worry I love helping out
deserving people so you don't have
to feel indebted.

In fact, I made some arrangements
and prepared something special
for you:

=>> See it Here

Here's to you,

Inspirational storie of the day:

One day Buddha was walking with his students through a village, where the
opponents of Buddhism lived. The people of the village surrounded Buddha
and his students and started insulting them. In respond, the students got
angry and wanted to retort, but the presence of Buddha calmed them down.
The words of Buddha confused not only the students but also the villagers.

He turned to his students and said:

– You disappointed me. These people are doing their thing. They are
angry. They think that I am an enemy of their religion and their moral
belief. These people are insulting me and it’s obvious. But why are you
angry? Why did you let these people manipulate you? Now you depend on them,
therefore you’re not free.

The people from the village were completely confused and asked:

– But we were insulting you, why aren’t you mad at us?

Buddha smiled:

– You are free people, and what you did – is your business. I am also a
free person and a master of my own actions. That is why I have my own right
not to react to manipulation and be free from anger.

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