[Fiware-iot-ready] [FIWARE IOT READY]IoTon

Prof. Flávio de Oliveira Silva, Ph.D. flavio at ufu.br
Thu Nov 10 20:20:38 CET 2016

Dear FIWARE Iot Ready Program representative.


Here in Brazil, at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), we are working with FIWARE Platform since 2014 as a partner from the project. 


We have several initiatives regarding FIWARE and one of them is related with IoTon. IoTon (http://ioton.cc/) is a Brazilian start‐up from Uberlandia (MG) that develops a hardware platform, called Ton (http://ioton.cc/plataforma-ton/). IoTon offers a variety of different IoT based services created on top of the Ton platform.


Can you provide us more detail about the self-validation process? 


Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


Prof. Flávio de Oliveira Silva, Ph.D.

Faculty of Computing (FACOM)

Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU)


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