[Fiware-iot] reminder for posting GE roadmaps on wiki

gilles.privat at orange.com gilles.privat at orange.com
Thu Dec 10 12:22:35 CET 2015

Sorry, I had put the wrong link below, the current page for release 5 which  is actually under
(I will change the default IoT roadmap page to this page once it is complete)

it appears only IDAS has not updated it ?
there is nothing planned for 5.4 so far, maybe we can set a provision for adaptation to NGSIV2 as it hopefully will befinalised early next year?

Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2015 11:44 AM
To: 'fiware-iot at lists.fiware.org'
Subject: reminder for posting GE roadmaps on wiki

Dear colleagues

This is something which we had already discussed  some time ago and that is now long overdue :

The road maps of individual enablers for the 5th major release should be posted on the wiki
(Only IoTBroker has done it so far)

This is required so that we can update completely this  page for  release 5 and deliver the corresponding deliverable using the deliverable generation tool that takes the wiki as input

You can see what has been done by other WPs like cloud :

Gilles Privat
Senior Scientist
Orange Labs, Grenoble
M2M, Internet of Things, Smart Cities
gilles.privat at orange.com<mailto:gilles.privat at orange.com>
office +33 4 38 42 86 16
mobile +33 6 71 17 64 60

28 Chemin du Vieux Chêne
BP 98 38243 Meylan, France


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