Yes, I did already this morning Tarek. Cheers, -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carlos Ralli Ucendo (carlos.ralliucendo at Cell: +34696923588 Twitter: @carlosralli Blog:<> Telefónica I+D SAU Madrid, Spain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow FIWARE project (Future Internet Services Core Platform): Website:<>org Facebook: Twitter: @fiware LinkedIn: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ De: "t.elsaleh at<mailto:t.elsaleh at>" <t.elsaleh at<mailto:t.elsaleh at>> Fecha: miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015 12:16 Para: "thierry.nagellen at<mailto:thierry.nagellen at>" <thierry.nagellen at<mailto:thierry.nagellen at>>, Carlos Ralli <carlos.ralliucendo at<mailto:carlos.ralliucendo at>> CC: "fiware-iot at<mailto:fiware-iot at>" <fiware-iot at<mailto:fiware-iot at>> Asunto: FW: IoT Architecture Deliverable (now we should start to make changes in the Wiki accordingly). Hi Thierry, I do not have access to these files on Forge. Is it in "FIWARE Private"? If so, please can you request from Miguel to give me access to this forge folder. My username is "telsaleh". @Carlos, please can you communicate to Miguel that we are changing the name of "Configuration Management" to "IoT Discovery", so as to avoid confusion and negative point-scoring. Best regards, Tarek From: fiware-iot-bounces at<mailto:fiware-iot-bounces at> [mailto:fiware-iot-bounces at] On Behalf Of CARLOS RALLI UCENDO Sent: 10 June 2015 10:14 To: fiware-iot at<mailto:fiware-iot at> Subject: [Fiware-iot] IoT Architecture Deliverable (now we should start to make changes in the Wiki accordingly). Dear colleagues, Find here the comments we have received for the review of the architecture deliverable: As we agreed I have applied/replied (marked as "Carlos" within the comments) to the comments while accepted all style/orthographic changes. Now is your turn to apply them in your own wiki section. There is no deadline but it would be great to have them asap. You might be applying already changes that we say we will implement in the future (like the Conf.Man terminology). In case of doubt, please let me know. The clean doc that we will deliver to the EC is at: If you are interested, all other chapter docs and reviews are available at: Cheers, -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carlos Ralli Ucendo (carlos.ralliucendo at<mailto:carlos.ralliucendo at>) Cell: +34696923588 Twitter: @carlosralli Blog:<> Telefónica I+D SAU Madrid, Spain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow FIWARE project (Future Internet Services Core Platform): Website:<>org Facebook: Twitter: @fiware LinkedIn: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener información privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. 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