[Fiware-iot] IoT GE/GEi names choice

gilles.privat at orange.com gilles.privat at orange.com
Mon Sep 28 16:06:14 CEST 2015

I bring back this discussion to the WP list

The GE names are supposed to be public and shared not only by the future FIWARE open source community, but also by all FIWARE users
They should be explicit, neither too vague or too convoluted
They are supposed to be used in functional architecture diagrams rather than  the implementation names (and not a mixture of the 2, as was the case in some diagrams...)

Does the following suit everyone?




IoT Backend Entities Broker

IoT Broker


IoT Backend Entities Registry

IoT Registry


IoT Backend Device Management



IoT Edge Data Consolidation



From: Stefan Gessler [mailto:Stefan.Gessler at neclab.eu]
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 2:25 PM
To: t.elsaleh at surrey.ac.uk; PRIVAT Gilles IMT/OLPS
Cc: carlos.ralliucendo at telefonica.com
Subject: RE: GE/GEi names choice


the question is if the public is aware of what we are talking about, if they obtain a sketch where they read  about a "Backend Entity bla" .   What about naming it 'IoT Entity bla GEi'?  It gives the reader an idea, what is meant here and is still slightly different from the GEi names.

But if it is only used internally, let us stay with whatever is written.

Stefan Gessler
Project Manager
NEC Europe Ltd.
Kurfuersten Anlage 36
D-69115 Heidelberg

phone +49 6221 4342 114
fax +49 6221 4342 155
email: stefan.gessler at neclab.eu<mailto:stefan.gessler at neclab.eu>

| NEC Europe Ltd | Registered Office: Athene, Odyssey Business Park, West End  Road, London, HA4 6QE, GB | Registered in England 2832014

From: t.elsaleh at surrey.ac.uk<mailto:t.elsaleh at surrey.ac.uk> [mailto:t.elsaleh at surrey.ac.uk]
Sent: Montag, 28. September 2015 13:31
To: gilles.privat at orange.com<mailto:gilles.privat at orange.com>
Cc: Stefan Gessler; carlos.ralliucendo at telefonica.com<mailto:carlos.ralliucendo at telefonica.com>
Subject: Re: GE/GEi names choice

Dear Gilles,

Personally, I don't see a problem with a GEri having the same name as the GE name, since it is a "reference".

If the names of the GEs mentioned in the DoW will only be used internally, then it really doesn't matter. But if these are to be introduced to the public, then we need to be simple and clear as possible. For IoT Discovery, I believe the term "registry" to be most relevant. Therefore I would recommend it to be called "Backend Entities Registry".

Any comments welcome!

Best Regards,

From: gilles.privat at orange.com<mailto:gilles.privat at orange.com> <gilles.privat at orange.com<mailto:gilles.privat at orange.com>>
Sent: 28 September 2015 09:58
To: Elsaleh T Mr (Elec Electronic Eng)
Subject: GE/GEi names choice


what is your viewpoint on this? There is a mixture between the GE and GEi names in the DoW which  we could take the occasion to clear




Backend Entities composition Broker

IoT Broker[GP1]


Backend Entities composition Discovery

IoT Discovery [GP2]


Backend Device Management



For  the former "Gateway data handling", we propose to replace it with IoT Data Edge Consolidation (IDEC) and to use Cepheus as the GEi name

From: Stefan Gessler [mailto:Stefan.Gessler at neclab.eu]
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2015 10:45 AM
Subject: RE: DOW task 1.4.4 review/update

Hi Gilles,

I think this name a relic from the last century ;-)

We had a renaming issue already at the beginning of FICORE.

But at some point we needed to accept that the term IoT Broker was widely used and a different name could not be enforced. So we had the 'IoT Broker GE' and the 'NEC IoT Broker GEi'. Later Telefonica raised an issue with the company name in the title, so we agreed on IoT Broker GEi  (no idea why it was not possible to indicate with the name that we are talking about the 'NEC implementation of a FIWARE GE').

Any way, the 'IoT Broker GEi' is established (was forced by threat of Karma punishment) and we do not want to  modified it again.

If the GE keeps the old, awkward and never used name, or if it gets the accepted term IoT Broker GE or if another name is invented, we don't mind. What does Tarek say, the discovery GE has the same name ...



Stefan Gessler

Project Manager

NEC Europe Ltd.

Kurfuersten Anlage 36

D-69115 Heidelberg


phone +49 6221 4342 114

fax +49 6221 4342 155

email: stefan.gessler at neclab.eu<mailto:stefan.gessler at neclab.eu>

| NEC Europe Ltd | Registered Office: Athene, Odyssey Business Park, West End  Road, London, HA4 6QE, GB | Registered in England 2832014

From: gilles.privat at orange.com<mailto:gilles.privat at orange.com> [mailto:gilles.privat at orange.com]
Sent: Freitag, 25. September 2015 18:04
To: Stefan Gessler
Subject: RE: DOW task 1.4.4 review/update

>From the general downward tendency of the project I'm afraid it will be reallocation of your previous budget,  at best, unless you manage to scavenge PMs from the corpse of Telecom italia...

BTW, there is still this issue of inconsistency of GE names

IoT broker appears as "Backend Entities composition Broker" in the DoW

You could  give the implementation a constellation name of your choice, and keep IoT broker for the GE?

From: Stefan Gessler [mailto:Stefan.Gessler at neclab.eu]
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 5:51 PM
Subject: RE: DOW task 1.4.4 review/update


Since NEC is interested to link the IoT Broker with ROS, do you think there is room for some additional PMs or to we have to re-distribute, if we go for this task?



Stefan Gessler

Project Manager

NEC Europe Ltd.

Kurfuersten Anlage 36

D-69115 Heidelberg


phone +49 6221 4342 114

fax +49 6221 4342 155

email: stefan.gessler at neclab.eu<mailto:stefan.gessler at neclab.eu>

| NEC Europe Ltd | Registered Office: Athene, Odyssey Business Park, West End  Road, London, HA4 6QE, GB | Registered in England 2832014

From: gilles.privat at orange.com<mailto:gilles.privat at orange.com> [mailto:gilles.privat at orange.com]
Sent: Freitag, 25. September 2015 17:48
To: Stefan Gessler
Subject: RE: DOW task 1.4.4 review/update

Dear Stefan

OK , I will send Miguel a version with updates from Carlos and myself, with a tentative inclusion of the robotics stuff

From: Stefan Gessler [mailto:Stefan.Gessler at neclab.eu]
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 5:22 PM
Subject: DOW task 1.4.4 review/update

Dear Gilles,

we have reviewed the task 1.4.4 text in the DoW.  Surprisingly we can live with most of the text, as it gives room for interpretation: The 'programmable data models' are actually addressed with the associations and the plugin-architecture of the broker. The 'library of processing elements' are the concrete association functions and also planned concrete plugins fit well here. The only thing which is discussable is the 'continuous adaptation and scheduling', which is no longer supported. This could be replaced by some text related to semantic interoperability. But this is your turf, whatever we write can be as inadequate as the existing text. Better you consider, if and what to modify here.

Best  Stefan


Stefan Gessler

Project Manager

NEC Europe Ltd.

Kurfuersten Anlage 36

D-69115 Heidelberg


phone +49 6221 4342 114

fax +49 6221 4342 155

email: stefan.gessler at neclab.eu<mailto:stefan.gessler at neclab.eu>

| NEC Europe Ltd | Registered Office: Athene, Odyssey Business Park, West End  Road, London, HA4 6QE, GB | Registered in England 2832014


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 [GP1]the GEi name is used in place of the GE nae  in architecture diagrams

 [GP2]the GEi name is used in place of the GE  name in architecture diagrams


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