[Fiware-iot] XML support removed from Orion Context Broker GEri in March sprint version

Fermín Galán Márquez fermin.galanmarquez at telefonica.com
Wed Feb 3 17:25:15 CET 2016


XML support was deprecated in Orion Context Broker 0.23.0 (in summer 2015). This was motivated by the feedback gathered during years in many FIWARE events with developers (Campus Party, Developers week, FIWARE hackathons, etc.): it is a fact that developer community prefers JSON in REST API instead of XML. In fact, the next version of NGSIv2 will be entirely based on JSON.

Thus, maintaining both XML and JSON at the same time in the current API is a severe burden in development and documentation tasks for the Orion team, without an actual gain (in this sense, our rationale is very similar to the one that lead JIRA to stop XML support, see <https://developer.atlassian.com/jiradev/jira-apis/jira-rest-apis/jira-rest-api-tutorials/jira-rest-api-version-2-tutorial#JIRARESTAPIVersion2Tutorial-IntroductiontoJIRA%27sRESTAPI> https://developer.atlassian.com/jiradev/jira-apis/jira-rest-apis/jira-rest-api-tutorials/jira-rest-api-version-2-tutorial#JIRARESTAPIVersion2Tutorial-IntroductiontoJIRA%27sRESTAPI). Therefore, we have decided to remove XML support from Orion Context Broker in the near future. The plan is that the version corresponding to February sprint  (i.e. Orion 0.28.0) will be the last one supporting XML, as has been recently announced to FIWARE Lab users (see attached email). In other words, the version corresponding to March sprint will not include XML support. JSON support (either NGSIv1 or NGSIv2) will remain.

We don't oversee any major issue in existing systems (clients, notifications receivers, context providers, etc.) based in Orion developed during the last year or even before (given that even before XML was "official" deprecated in 0.23.0, we haven't talked about XML in any public presentations/speech/workshops/etc. since time before, thus developers working with Orion are mainly using JSON nowadays). The only issue to take into account is with old legacy integrations. For these cases, there are 3 options:

  1.  Migrate client/receiver/cpr API to NGSIv2 JSON. Probably the best option if you want to take the most of the newer NGSIv2 API (e.g. subscription filters, etc.). However, note that NGSIv2 is yet in "beta" status, with some areas not fully specified and others in which small changes may occur.
  2.  Migrate client/receiver/cpr API to NGSIv1 JSON. Probably, the best option by the time being from an stability and manteniability point of view. NGSIv1 JSON support will remain during a long time.
  3.  Keep using the last Orion version supporting XML (Orion 0.28.0). Old versions will remain available (either in RPM and code source form) so you can keep using it (details are provided at https://github.com/telefonicaid/fiware-orion/blob/develop/doc/manuals/deprecated.md#using-old-orion-versions). However, note that doing this, you will be "stalled" at an old version and could be missing new and potentially useful functionality for your use case. Thus, this is recommend only as a temporal solution or for legacy system that doesn't need any functional evolution.

Note that this announce has been made 2 months in advance the first Orion version without XML get released, which should be  enough time for users still using XML to take decision on migration/keep (and, in the former case, to schedule specific migration actions). Don't hesitate to contact me if you are in this case and have specific questions/doubts about it, e.g. how to migrate from XML to JSON specific API operations, etc.

Please, forward this message to whoever you think it may be interested. Thanks!

Best regards,


PD. This message is being sent to fiware-data due to Orion Context Broker GE belongs to the Data chapter. It is also sent to fiware-ngsi mailing list due to Orion is reference implementation for NGSI API. Finally, it is also sent to fiware-iot as there are GEris in that chapter (e.g IoT Broker) that integrate with Orion (note that I'm not a member of the fiware-iot mailing list, so if you reply to this message in that list, please include also my email in the reply).


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