[Fiware-iot] R5 delivery : detailed open specs per GE to be (re)generated from Apiary --->ALL GE owners to do this

Flavio Cirillo flavio.cirillo at neclab.eu
Thu Jan 19 16:36:02 CET 2017

Dear Gilles,

I have tried to create the requested apiary document using the latest 
version of FABRE: https://github.com/Fiware/tools.Fabre

I had too change the old apib file because the latest version of the 
tool (via docker) was requesting more headers in the apib specification 
file. For example I had to add the version which is automatically added 
by FABRE to the apib file URL and therefore breaking the URL itself (as 
you can see in the first page of attached pdf).

Furthermore I am not really sure which is the correct license link I 
should put under the Copyright and License section (mandatory for 
FABRE): I have used the

Best Regards

On 01/13/2017 04:09 PM, gilles.privat at orange.com wrote:
> Dear colleagues
> Sorry to bother you with this last bit of drudgery
> All  those who are in charge of a GE should do this (should normally 
> take a few minutes, I guess)
> Using the same  FABRE tool which you had already used in 2015 to 
> generate the R4  versions of this deliverable (see attached files), 
> you should generate a new version corresponding to the R5 version
> Thanks for your contribution
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> *Gilles Privat*
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Flavio Cirillo
Research Scientist | NEC Europe Ltd. | Kurfürsten-Anlage 36 | D-69115 Heidelberg
Tel.  +49/(0) 62 21/43 42 – 234 | Fax. +49/(0) 62 21/43 42 – 115  |E-Mail: flavio.cirillo at neclab.eu
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