[Fiware-iota-marketplace] FIWARE-IOTA F2F meeting in Málaga

Juanjo Hierro juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
Fri Nov 29 18:02:35 CET 2019

Hi all,

   Perhaps it comes too short notice but you cannot imagine how crazy 
the last weeks have been (on the other hand plenty of nice developments 
:-) but I want to remind the idea we had about running a f2f meeting in 
December to make progress on mutual understanding how we can materialize 
the vision of a data marketplace bringing together the work IOTA and the 
FIWARE Community were carrying out in collaboration with TMForum.

   Finally it got confirmed that Francisco and myself will be next week 
in Málaga and Tuesday would be an ideal day for running such a 
meeting.   There is a FIWARE Bootcamp that we are running in Málaga that 
week and Francisco is one of the trainers and I will be also there.

   Is that feasible on the side of IOTA?

   Otherwise, we shall take a look at December 18-20 in Madrid (although 
Francisco has to confirm if those dates work for him).

   @Mark: we miss the information you told us you were going to send 
about the project/vision ... anything you can share?



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