[Fiware-lab-federation-nodes] libvirt issue: "missing storage backend for network files using rbd protocol"

Giorgio Robino giorgio.robino at cnit.it
Wed Sep 28 16:51:29 CEST 2016

Thanks Pablo,

Ok, in facts we was believing it was related with the data measurements issue.


PABLO RODRIGUEZ ARCHILLA <pablo.rodriguezarchilla at telefonica.com> ha scritto:

> Dear Giorgio, dear all:
> This is a known problem that doesn't affect the monitoring. You  
> could just ignore it.
> Anyway, we will work in a solution to avoid such confusing message.  
> Sorry for the inconveniences.
> Regards.
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: fiware-lab-federation-nodes-bounces at lists.fiware.org  
> [mailto:fiware-lab-federation-nodes-bounces at lists.fiware.org] En  
> nombre de Giorgio Robino
> Enviado el: miƩrcoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016 15:51
> Para: fiware-lab-federation-nodes at lists.fiware.org
> Asunto: [Fiware-lab-federation-nodes] libvirt issue: "missing  
> storage backend for network files using rbd protocol"
> Dear all,
> in Genoa node we installed all servers using OPS-Deploy (Kilo Over
> Ubuntu) with Ceph RBD.
> In compute nodes we find the error:
> root at compute01:/var/log/ceilometer# cat ceilometer-agent-compute.log  
> | grep ERROR | tail -n1 -
> 2016-09-28 07:04:34.658 5191 ERROR
> ceilometer.compute.pollsters.disk[-] Ignoring instance instance-00000647
> (ca9689da-37d2-4e65-b782-d7a899318a1a) : internal error: missing  
> storage backend for network files using rbd protocol
> Could the problem be related to the following known issue:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+bug/1457440,
> which suggests to upgrade libvirt to version >= 1.2.21.
> In our compute nodes we have this version of libvirt:
> root at compute01:~# dpkg -s  libvirt-bin
> ...
> Version: 1.2.9-9~u14.04+mos3
> BTW, this libvirt version is the latest available under Ubuntu  
> 14.04.5 release.
> Anyone experienced the same issue ?
> Any idea regarding how to proceed with a libvirt upgrade even  
> breaking dependency list ?
> Thanks a lot
> giorgio
> --
> --
> tel. 010 353 2797
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tel. 010 353 2797

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