[Fiware-lab-federation-nodes] March 3: End of the support for the old monitoring API

Daniele Santoro dsantoro at fbk.eu
Tue Mar 7 23:59:13 CET 2017

Dear Alfonso, all,

I confirm that support for the old monitoring system has been dropped on the production monitoring API and Infographics.
As notified by Alfonso, Budapest2 and PiraeusU are still present temporarily on the map with limited and static information that will be automatically substituted by the new metrics once the respective new monitoring system will be installed on those regions.

This was a first and required step in order to pick data from a single datasource (Monasca master) for all region in the production GUI. Of course during the following weeks we will also remove (under the scenes) the “business logic” supporting the old monitoring from our code and we will be able to start working on new features in the new monitoring stack.


> On 1 Mar 2017, at 11:12, Pietropaolo Alfonso <Alfonso.Pietropaolo at eng.it> wrote:
> Dear all,
> as you may know we are working further in order to improve all FIWARE Lab tools and the users experience.
> In this context an important role is played by the monitoring infrastructure that needs to be improved. As result of this we need to switch off the old monitoring which is still present on the following nodes:
> 	• Poznan 
> 	• SaoPaulo
> 	• PiraeusU *
> 	• Budapest2 *
> * afaik PiraeusU will be online soon with a new node installation and the new monitoring, and Budapest2 will be replaced by Budapest3. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
> Poznan and SaoPaulo: we will keep your node still “alive” on the infographic with static data for a couple of weeks (deadline March 17). Anyhow please prioritize this important upgrade to ensure your presence within our tools.
> Thanks for your understanding and cooperation, 
> don’t hesitate to contact me again or Daniele for technical details. 
> Alfonso
> Alfonso Pietropaolo
> Research and Development Laboratory
> Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. 
> Via Riccardo Morandi, 32 00148 Roma - Italy
> Tel. 0683074834
> Skype: alfopietro 

Daniele Santoro, Mr.
Research Engineer
DISCO - DIStributed Computing and InfOrmation Processing
CREATE-NET Research Center
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)
via alla Cascata 56D
38123 Povo, Trento (Italy)
F: +39 0461 31​2430
e-mail: ​dsantoro at fbk.eu
www:​​ ​http://create-net.fbk.eu


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