[Fiware-lab-federation-nodes] Invitation: FIWARE Lab Nodes MGT Call @ Weekly from 15PM to 16PM CET - On Tuesday from Jan 2017 to Dec 2018

Alfonso Pietropaolo alfonso.pietropaolo at eng.it
Tue Jun 26 12:42:36 CEST 2018

Dear all,
this is the link to the minutes for today’s meeting:


Since we are approaching the end of the sprint 7.3.3, please start closing all scheduled work items.


Alfonso Pietropaolo

Research and Development Laboratory
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.  <https://imail.eng.it/ecp/Customize/www.eng.it>
Via Riccardo Morandi, 32 00148 Roma - Italy
Tel. 0687594370
Skype: alfopietro 

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