[Fiware-lab-federation-nodes] Fiware Lab issues

Cristian CMECIU ccmeciu at images-et-reseaux.com
Tue Sep 4 14:45:02 CEST 2018

Hi all,

We have the same issue.

Best regards,
Cristian CMECIU
Fiware-Lab/ Lannion Region
Images et Réseaux Support Engineer


De : Manju Sharma [mailto:manju.sharma at india.nec.com]
Envoyé : mardi 4 septembre 2018 13:52
À : Anurag Vashisth <anurag.vashisth at india.nec.com>; Cristian CMECIU <ccmeciu at images-et-reseaux.com>; José Ignacio Carretero <joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org>; Fernando López Aguilar <fernando.lopez at fiware.org>
Cc : fiware-lab-federation-nodes at lists.fiware.org; fiware-lab-admin_india <fiware-lab-admin at india.nec.com>
Objet : RE: Fiware Lab issues

Hi Jose/Fernando,

This is Manju from Fiware node Noida node. Just to inform, we're also not able to access the central keystone.
Can you check and confirm, if everything is working?

I am trying to get token or service status but commands not working and also in sanity check all the test cases get skipped.

########################################### cut from console ############################################################
root at infra:~# openstack token issue
WARNING: Failed to import plugin orchestration.
Failed to discover available identity versions when contacting https://cloud.lab.fiware.org:35357. Attempting to parse version from URL.
Could not find versioned identity endpoints when attempting to authenticate. Please check that your auth_url is correct. Service Unavailable (HTTP 503)
root at infra:~#

Thanks and Regards,

From: fiware-lab-federation-nodes-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-lab-federation-nodes-bounces at lists.fiware.org> [mailto:fiware-lab-federation-nodes-bounces at lists.fiware.org] On Behalf Of Anurag Vashisth
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2018 6:09 PM
To: Cristian CMECIU <ccmeciu at images-et-reseaux.com<mailto:ccmeciu at images-et-reseaux.com>>; José Ignacio Carretero <joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org<mailto:joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org>>; Fernando López Aguilar <fernando.lopez at fiware.org<mailto:fernando.lopez at fiware.org>>
Cc: fiware-lab-federation-nodes at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-lab-federation-nodes at lists.fiware.org>
Subject: Re: [Fiware-lab-federation-nodes] Fiware Lab issues

Hi Jose,

This is Anurag Vashisth from Fiware node Noida node. Just to inform, we're also not able to access the central keystone.

Anurag Vashisth

From: fiware-lab-federation-nodes-bounces at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-lab-federation-nodes-bounces at lists.fiware.org> [mailto:fiware-lab-federation-nodes-bounces at lists.fiware.org] On Behalf Of Cristian CMECIU
Sent: 27 August 2018 18:01
To: José Ignacio Carretero <joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org<mailto:joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org>>; Fernando López Aguilar <fernando.lopez at fiware.org<mailto:fernando.lopez at fiware.org>>
Cc: fiware-lab-federation-nodes at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-lab-federation-nodes at lists.fiware.org>
Subject: [Fiware-lab-federation-nodes] Fiware Lab issues

Hi José,

Can you check if everything is working for the Spain node?
I'm trying to access the Cloud portal and it doesn't work. In the Sanity checks page all nodes are in red.
Saturday, I saw a downtime for the IdM.

Best regards,
Cristian CMECIU
Fiware-Lab/ Lannion Region
Images et Réseaux Support Engineer


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