[Fiware-lab-federation-nodes] About users / expired users in FIWARE Lab

José Ignacio Carretero joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org
Wed Sep 19 11:10:17 CEST 2018


There has been some questions about how an user can be moved to 
Community user, etc.

I'll refer to 2 projects in Github:

* https://github.com/jicarretero/NewFiwareKeystone
This repo has a few bash scripts that will be usefull for a node 
administrator to set an user as community user or remove the user from 
their region.

* https://github.com/jicarretero/SkuldForAll
This repo has scripts that will provide useful information about the 
expiration dates of the users.

** ABOUT NewFiwareKeystone

There a few scripts here explained in the repo itself (README.md). 
Basically, a node administrator shoud use "user_community_update.sh" as 
described in README.md in order to set an existing Trial users to 
Commmunity user.

The script "user_delete_region.sh" will remove an user from a region as 
described in README.md file.

** ABOUT SkuldForAll

This is a set of 2 scripts which can be used one after another. The 2nd 
one (get_outdate_people.py) will provide use valuable information about 
the expired users.

Once we know our expired users, we can take actions in order to remove 
their resources (this can be mostly done using openstack tools as admin).

-- Caveats:

---- The user can be assigned to more than one project. This what we 
usually call organization. If we want to delete something from an 
organization we should ensure that every user in the organization has 

---- We never delete users. We remove them from the region. That's the 
script "user_delete_region.sh" previously explained.

---- An user can be in several regions at the same time.

The procedure we (Spain2) have thought to remove users from our region is:

- We get the list of expired users and we write them an email telling 
that their account has been expired and that all their resources in the 
region will be removed (1 week for trials, 4 weeks for communities) 
unless they expose a reason to keep them. We keep a list of emails sent 
to these users.

- If a user gives us a reason to stay, we let them stay removing their 
email from the previous list.

- The day of the removal, we get again the list of expired users and we 
compare the the previous list with the new list. If an user is in both 
lists it means that it has been warned and that he never asked us to 
stay. So, it must be removed.

- When we know the users to be removed, we delete the user resources: 
VMs, volumes, floatingips, networks, etc as admin and remove them from 
the region.

Suggestions and queries are welcome.

Best regards,
José Ignacio

José Ignacio Carretero 	
FIWARE Cloud and Platform Expert
FIWARE Foundation 	
	FIWARE Foundation
Franklinstrasse 13A
10587 Berlin
email: joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org 
<mailto:joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org>
www: http://fiware.org
twitter: @jicarreterogu @FIWARE
skype: jicarretero 	

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