[Fiware-lab-help] FI-LAB Assistance

José Ignacio Carretero Guarde jicg at tid.es
Tue Dec 3 21:09:57 CET 2013

Some problem may have occured during the boot time of that VM -- It
never booted. -- It went to some kind of error state.

The only thing I can suggest is deleting the VM and starting again.

José Ignacio.

El 25/11/13 12:01, Artemis Voulkidis escribió:
> Hi,
> My name is Artemis Voulkidis and I represent Synelixis Solutions Ltd, a greek
> company participating in the FI-PPP in both XiFi and FINESCE.
> Earlier these days i had setup a virtual ubuntu 12.04 server with an attached
> volume, but it seems that the virtual drive got corrupted, resulting in an
> inaccessible vm. I tried to delete it but with no success. Could you please
> delete it from console since i do not have access to your DCRM/Openstack
> command line? The id of the vm instance is e9bd30ab-4235-4e52-a73b-
> ef8eed03f8e2 (named git-server) whereas the 197 (named git-server).
> Both were created at Nov 22.
> Thank you in advance,
> Kind regards,
> Artemis Voulkidis
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