[Fiware-lab-help] FI-LAB Assistance

José Ignacio Carretero Guarde jicg at tid.es
Tue Dec 10 08:10:01 CET 2013

Hi Fernando,

Unfortunatelly VNC is not supported in this version.

Best Regards,
José Ignacio.

El 07/12/13 19:18, Fernando Enrique Cueto Rivera escribió:
> Hi, when i tried to open the VNC Console from a created instance, I
> have this error (see the atachment). Thanks for the help.
> Ing. Fernando E. Cueto
> Ingeniero de Sistemas
> Especialista en Ingeniería de Software
> Móvil: 301-7560109
> MSN: fernandoecueto at hotmail.com <mailto:fernandoecueto at hotmail.com>
> Skype: fernando.cueto
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