[Fiware-lab-help] fi-lab

Jesús Martín González jesus90martin at gmail.com
Thu Dec 12 20:20:16 CET 2013

 los datos introducidos por ciudades como Zaragoza para la hackaton de
Santander donde estan? como puedo acceder a ellos?

2013/12/4 José Ignacio Carretero Guarde <jicg at tid.es>

> This is your second message to the list, the first one was on 15th
> November an Fermin Answered you.
> I haven't seen your previous message about "UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY
> FILE" in the list. But anyway, What it is failing is your SSH client,
> not your server in this case.
> So the message is: "" WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!, It is
> required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others." ---
> The solution is making the private key "NOT accesible by others":
> $ chmod 600 <your_pemfile>
> Best Regars,
> José Ignacio.
> El 04/12/13 10:29, Jesús Martín González escribió:
>> hello,
>>  how can we make a "proof of concept" for the challenge if FI-LAB is
>> crashing everytime?
>> are you going to answer my e-mails??
>> thanks
>> 2013/12/2 Jesús Martín González <jesus90martin at gmail.com
>> <mailto:jesus90martin at gmail.com>>
>>     hello,
>>     i am learning to use fi-lab, and i have seen some tutorials, but i
>>     have a problem, i have created a keypair and when i am going to
>>     acces to the VM with this keypair it shows me this: " WARNING:
>>     UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!, It is required that your private
>>     key files are NOT accessible by others."
>>     how can i solve this??
>>     thanks
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