[Fiware-lab-help] Ubuntu root password

Frederick Ayala frederickayala at gmail.com
Sat Dec 14 21:01:43 CET 2013

Dear José Ignacio,

Unfortunately I needed to create the instance again (To change the instance
flavor) and I am not able to login.

I also created two additional instances and the same issue occurs.

The command list is:

ssh -i zimbraserver.pem root at

ssh -i qtkeyaccess.pem root at

ssh -i openfireaccess.pem root at

Could you help me to fix the VMs configuration?

Thank you very much for you support.

Kind Regards,

Frederick Ayala

2013/12/14 José Ignacio Carretero Guarde <jicg at tid.es>

> Hi,
> Thank you for your mail, there was a missconfiguration on the platform.
> Now you should be able to access your VM without password.
> Best regards,
> José Ignacio.
> El 14/12/13 00:53, Frederick Ayala escribió:
>> Hi, thanks for attend my email.
>> I have been trying to connect to an Ubuntu instance I created using
>> the following command:
>> ssh -i mykey.pem root at <mailto:root at>
>> According to the instance video I should be able to use the command
>> line without any additional information but I receive a root password
>> request:
>> root at <mailto:root at>'s password:
>> Could you please give me advice on what to do in order to connect via
>> ssh to my instance?
>> Thank you!
>> Kind Regards,
>> --
>> Frederick Ayala
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Frederick Ayala
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