[Fiware-lab-help] FI-Lab Assistance

Raul Tavares - FullIT rtavares at fullit.pt
Sat Apr 26 21:19:58 CEST 2014

Dear Friends,

Just to add that confirmed that Ubuntu instance machine still running 
Ony the CentOS instances experience very slow response.

Tks coop


On 04/26/2014 02:17 PM, Raul Tavares - FullIT wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I'm using Fi-Lab to learn about it and setup a test environment for a 
> project my company is working on.
> I've done the configurations using an account under the email 
> rtavares at gmail.com
> My scenario is the following:
> - I've launched a first instance - RT_Test - based on image 
> ubuntu13.04server, with flavour m1.small, with ip, and 
> public ip, using keypair "rtavaresKP.pem".
> It worked nicely, installed software, tested and accessed it from outside.
> Latter on, suspended that instance, disassociated the IP to release 
> it, once this project only have one, and I want to launch a new instance.
> Launched a new instance - lxcase_stg - based on CentOS-6.3-x86_64, 
> with flavor m2.largerdsk .
> Got the IP, and created a new keypair - lxcase_stgKP.
> Associated the floating IP, which give me the same: .
> My question now is: I'm able to login in the shell, but the 
> interaction is veeeeery slow.
> To the point of having to wait several seconds - sometimes more than 
> 10 - to see the echo of my typing. Which means, unusable.
> This slowness start in the connection itself, where it take ages to be 
> established, and sometimes get timeouts.
> Can you help me in what can be causing this?
> May it be some temporary quality fluctuation at FI-Lab infrastructure?
> May be related with the different OS image I choose?
> May be related with the larger amount of resources I allocated, when 
> choosing a "larger" flavor?
> Please note:
> - When starting connecting from my machine to the new instance, I have 
> the delete the previous SSH fingerprint associated with the same 
> public IP, ad generate a new one. I've got an warning information that 
> may be being subject to a "man-in-the-middle" attack.
> - I'm connecting nicely from my system to the web and through SSH to 
> other systems.
> I could try to suspend the new CentOS instance and launch again the 
> previous Ubuntu instance to see if I got any difference.
> But it is a slow and time consuming process, and I believe it is 
> better - and faster - to ask to your help :-)
> Thank you in advance.
> Best Regards
> Raul Tavares
> -- 
> *Raul Tavares*
> Praça de Alvalade, nº 7 - 3º Dto
> 1700-036 Lisboa | Portugal
> tel. +351-217826920
> web. www.fullit.pt


*Raul Tavares*


Praça de Alvalade, nº 7 - 3º Dto
1700-036 Lisboa | Portugal
tel. +351-217826920
web. www.fullit.pt
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