Hi Ignat, I'll answer you in a private mail. Best regards, José Ignacio. El 09/08/14 a las #4, Ignat Ignatov escribió: > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Ignat Ignatov <ignat99 at gmail.com> > Date: 9 August 2014 01:20 > Subject: Re: Your VM in FI-LAB > To: HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS <henar at tid.es> > > > Hello Henar! > > I open port 1880 in access_and_security->default for node-red in > Instance: amicobrazil > > > > > I try make Suspend Instances and next Unuspend Instances for open port. > But have error: > > Error rebooting instance amicobrazil. Cause: 409 Error > > {"conflictingRequest": {"message": "Cannot 'reboot' while instance is > in task_state pausing", "code": 409}} > > > But not possible make "Pause Instances" and "Unpause Instances". > > What i will must do in that situation? > I thought it was a temporary problem and waited for 1 month. > > Respect, > ignat > > On 1 April 2014 21:05, Ignat Ignatov <ignat99 at gmail.com> wrote: >> Hi Henar >> >> Gracias :-) >> >> Regards, >> ignat >> >> >> 2014-04-01 15:21 GMT+02:00 HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS <henar at tid.es>: >> >>> Hi Ignat >>> >>> >>> >>> No worries. We will keep your VM running. >>> >>> Regards, >>> >>> Henar >>> >>> >>> >>> De: Ignat Ignatov [mailto:ignat99 at gmail.com] >>> Enviado el: martes, 01 de abril de 2014 14:16 >>> >>> >>> Para: HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS >>> Asunto: Re: Your VM in FI-LAB >>> >>> >>> >>> I member Hack4Good in Barcelona. My server need for me.... >>> Not stop it >>> >>> Gracias. >>> >>> ignat >>> >>> >>> >>> 2013-12-24 15:27 GMT+01:00 Ignat Ignatov <ignat99 at gmail.com>: >>> >>> Hi, >>> >>> >>> I run instances, it told >>> Success: Instance tplink launched. >>> >>> But , i not see it on list of Instances? >>> >>> Is normal? >>> >>> Looks like errors ... >>> >>> R, >>> >>> ignat >>> >>> >>> >>> 2013/12/24 Ignat Ignatov <ignat99 at gmail.com> >>> >>> Error: Error deleting Blueprint Template.. Cause: 500 Error info >>> >>> Hi, >>> >>> No possible deleted Blueprint Template, no possible run Instances. >>> >>> Some one thing is work? >>> >>> Looks like total not work..... >>> >>> Respect, >>> >>> ignat >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> 2013/12/18 Ignat Ignatov <ignat99 at gmail.com> >>> >>> I will try to find the time. >>> >>> Now I have a class with students. >>> In the normal days of the week (except Fridays and Wednesdays when I have >>> a class with students) I do not work with the free projects. >>> >>> Gracias, >>> >>> ignat >>> >>> >>> >>> 2013/12/18 HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS <henar at tid.es> >>> >>> OK. So it seems that GUI is not working with Iceweasel. Can’t you try >>> another explorer? >>> >>> >>> >>> De: Ignat Ignatov [mailto:ignat99 at gmail.com] >>> Enviado el: miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013 16:07 >>> >>> >>> Para: HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS >>> Asunto: Re: Your VM in FI-LAB >>> >>> >>> >>> I told before :-) >>> >>> Iceweasel, but i not have link. I spend 2 days and more for your >>> interfaces. And it is not work. >>> >>> And you not have normal PDF with instructions :-) >>> >>> >>> >>> Sorry, >>> >>> ignat >>> >>> >>> >>> 2013/12/18 Ignat Ignatov <ignat99 at gmail.com> >>> >>> May be is problem of Iceweasel? >>> >>> The same .... >>> >>> >>> >>> 2013/12/18 HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS <henar at tid.es> >>> >>> Hi >>> >>> >>> >>> I know what the problem is. It is the name of your keyair >>> amiCO_Sensor_test. Please don’t use simbols in the name, concretely ‘ _’. >>> >>> Regards, >>> >>> Henar >>> >>> >>> >>> De: Ignat Ignatov [mailto:ignat99 at gmail.com] >>> Enviado el: miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013 15:13 >>> >>> >>> Para: HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS >>> Asunto: Re: Your VM in FI-LAB >>> >>> >>> >>> Yes i make that many time >>> >>> it last: >>> >>> amiCO_Sensor_test >>> >>> but when i try use CreateKeypair >>> >>> i have that >>> >>> Error: Wrong values for Keypair. Please try again. >>> >>> So , give me my cert.pem file.... >>> >>> You must do like: >>> >>> >>> >>> #!/bin/sh >>> >>> >>> >>> set -e >>> >>> >>> >>> tmpdir="/tmp" >>> >>> certdir="/etc/lighttpd" >>> >>> >>> >>> if [ -f $certdir/server.pem ] ; then >>> >>> echo "certificate already exists." >>> >>> echo "To recreate the certificate, delete the file $certdir/server.pem" >>> >>> exit 0 >>> >>> fi >>> >>> >>> >>> #generate https certificate >>> >>> cat > $tmpdir/cert.cnf << "EOF" >>> >>> RANDFILE = /dev/urandom >>> >>> [ req ] >>> >>> default_bits = 1024 >>> >>> encrypt_key = yes >>> >>> distinguished_name = req_dn >>> >>> x509_extensions = cert_type >>> >>> prompt = no >>> >>> >>> >>> [ req_dn ] >>> >>> C=FR >>> >>> ST=FRANCE >>> >>> L=Paris >>> >>> O=Calaos >>> >>> OU=Calaos >>> >>> CN=calaos.fr >>> >>> emailAddress=none at calaos.fr >>> >>> >>> >>> [ cert_type ] >>> >>> basicConstraints = critical,CA:FALSE >>> >>> nsCertType = server >>> >>> nsComment = "Calaos SSL Certificate" >>> >>> subjectKeyIdentifier = hash >>> >>> authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid,issuer:always >>> >>> issuerAltName = issuer:copy >>> >>> keyUsage = keyEncipherment, digitalSignature >>> >>> extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth >>> >>> EOF >>> >>> >>> >>> openssl req -new -outform PEM -config $tmpdir/cert.cnf -out >>> $tmpdir/server.pem -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout $tmpdir/server.key >>> -keyform PEM -days 9999 -x509 >>> >>> >>> >>> cat $tmpdir/server.pem $tmpdir/server.key > $certdir/server.pem >>> >>> >>> >>> rm -f $tmpdir/cert.cnf $tmpdir/server.pem $tmpdir/server.key >>> >>> >>> >>> echo "Successfully generated self-signed certificate" >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> 2013/12/18 HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS <henar at tid.es> >>> >>> Hi >>> >>> >>> >>> I have just imported a keypair in your account called henartest with the >>> following content (your public key) >>> >>> ssh-rsa >>> AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDtb/VuMFvLhdrSgw1cY38Es7Fy/9d/pGkSn1OoxwYfCekDWi4ZJFr1T7W4IoQfEStVnmv9XreCWcEEbKKtyPOxhtwCPH6qPOUIE/ejdxSFyognSOxtscXHW9Z5p7IWnvQydZHZ6aO50D1FekIb5e/tqH6X/sa/uqr/e3v8HBgswKrbS7CpxOnKe79p+eyBwrroO0ptjp7XOtBjiqfomgsMOpTGXY3FFtg+WpFVWgV6zCu+qS3JbnwIJ+l8BYMpjI//oC7ExZGdFLZlYGJtxLKrgdBPNNqWJZ+tHpsFKaCMqEv4k/quasETYyyaEnD6tbHyZrhcEsjvdYXmxzRnfTI1 >>> ignat99 at debian >>> >>> and it was successful. >>> >>> Can you try it? >>> >>> Regards, >>> >>> Henar >>> >>> >>> >>> De: Ignat Ignatov [mailto:ignat99 at gmail.com] >>> Enviado el: miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013 14:59 >>> >>> >>> Para: HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS >>> Asunto: Re: Your VM in FI-LAB >>> >>> >>> >>> I was try use it : >>> >>> ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t rsa -N passphrase -f id_rsa -C "ignat99 at gmail.com" >>> >>> Have the same: >>> >>> >>> Error: Wrong values for Keypair. Please try again. >>> >>> >>> >>> 2013/12/18 Ignat Ignatov <ignat99 at gmail.com> >>> >>> Protect and use the key as you would any normal ssh private key. >>> >>> What is NORMAL ssh private key? >>> >>> It is normal? >>> ssh-rsa >>> AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDtb/VuMFvLhdrSgw1cY38Es7Fy/9d/pGkSn1OoxwYfCekDWi4ZJFr1T7W4IoQfEStVnmv9XreCWcEEbKKtyPOxhtwCPH6qPOUIE/ejdxSFyognSOxtscXHW9Z5p7IWnvQydZHZ6aO50D1FekIb5e/tqH6X/sa/uqr/e3v8HBgswKrbS7CpxOnKe79p+eyBwrroO0ptjp7XOtBjiqfomgsMOpTGXY3FFtg+WpFVWgV6zCu+qS3JbnwIJ+l8BYMpjI//oC7ExZGdFLZlYGJtxLKrgdBPNNqWJZ+tHpsFKaCMqEv4k/quasETYyyaEnD6tbHyZrhcEsjvdYXmxzRnfTI1 >>> ignat99 at debian >>> >>> I use it for make public key: >>> >>> ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t dsa -N passphrase -f id_dsa -C "ignat99 at gmail.com" >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> 2013/12/18 HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS <henar at tid.es> >>> >>> Hi >>> >>> >>> >>> If you want to delete an instance, firstly it should be in a running (or >>> at least status). Please, chick on resume and then in terminating. >>> >>> Regards, >>> >>> Henar >>> >>> >>> >>> De: Ignat Ignatov [mailto:ignat99 at gmail.com] >>> Enviado el: miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013 14:48 >>> >>> >>> Para: HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS >>> Asunto: Re: Your VM in FI-LAB >>> >>> >>> >>> Extra problem >>> >>> Error: Error terminating instance Launch_test-tomcat7postgres8Tier-1. >>> Cause: 409 Error info >>> >>> >>> >>> I want delete Instance and make new 1 for install my client Tizen, JS >>> client program on >>> >>> AngularJS node.js and extra model of sensor amiCO_sensor (sensor.py) on >>> python.... >>> >>> >>> >>> Launch New Instance >>> >>> Launch_test-tomcat7postgres8Tier-1 >>> >>> >>> >>> 2048 MB RAM | 1 VCPU | 10GB Disk >>> >>> SUSPENDED >>> >>> None >>> >>> SHUTOFF >>> >>> amiCO_Sensor-Nodejstier-1 >>> >>> >>> >>> 2048 MB RAM | 1 VCPU | 10GB Disk >>> >>> SUSPENDED >>> >>> None >>> >>> SHUTOFF >>> >>> amiCO_Sensor-mysqlTier-1 >>> >>> >>> >>> 2048 MB RAM | 1 VCPU | 10GB Disk >>> >>> SUSPENDED >>> >>> None >>> >>> SHUTOFF >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> 2013/12/18 Ignat Ignatov <ignat99 at gmail.com> >>> >>> Hi >>> >>> >>> http://cloud.lab.fi-ware.eu/#nova/access_and_security/ >>> >>> >>> >>> Keypairs >>> >>> >>> >>> The same problem have my friend Ramon on your Cloud. >>> >>> Hi told: >>> >>> He intentado crear un certificado en la pestana create keypair pero tras >>> indicar el nombre y darle a aceptar la operacion ha lanzado un error despues >>> de unos instantes. Lo he intentando varias veces obteniendo el mismo >>> resultado. >>> >>> 1. We make key.pub >>> >>> ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t rsa -N passphrase -f mykey -C "ignat99 at gmail.com" >>> >>> >>> >>> 2 upload to keypairs >>> >>> 3 We try generated keypair.pem >>> >>> But >>> >>> Error: Wrong values for Keypair. Please try again. >>> >>> And I know >>> >>> next need make Instance, change password, add rules about SSH port 22 >>> >>> A lot of steps, some staps not work, and have errors. >>> >>> Respect, >>> >>> ignat >>> >>> >>> >>> 2013/12/18 HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS <henar at tid.es> >>> >>> Hi >>> >>> >>> >>> I am in your account , and I can see 3 VMs with just private IPs and in >>> suspended status. Can you clarify me what is your problem exactly? >>> >>> Henar >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> De: Ignat Ignatov [mailto:ignat99 at gmail.com] >>> Enviado el: miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013 13:32 >>> >>> >>> Para: HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS >>> Asunto: Re: Your VM in FI-LAB >>> >>> >>> >>> Hello! >>> >>> No possible get IP from your cloud :-) now. >>> >>> Sorry, >>> >>> Is scan_log from IP of my friend - port 22 not open >>> >>> I not have my IP in the go to security -> floating IP >>> >>> Your service need be better. >>> >>> :-) >>> >>> Have a good day, >>> >>> ignat >>> >>> >>> ignat99 at debian:~$ nmap -A -T4 130.206.*.* >>> >>> Starting Nmap 6.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2013-12-18 13:09 CET >>> Nmap scan report for 130.206.*.* >>> Host is up (0.028s latency). >>> Not shown: 990 filtered ports >>> PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION >>> 25/tcp open smtp? >>> |_smtp-commands: Couldn't establish connection on port 25 >>> 80/tcp open http? >>> 110/tcp open pop3? >>> 113/tcp closed ident >>> 135/tcp open msrpc? >>> 143/tcp open imap? >>> | imap-capabilities: >>> |_ ERROR: Failed to connect to server >>> 1863/tcp open msnp? >>> 5190/tcp open aol? >>> 8008/tcp open http? >>> |_http-methods: No Allow or Public header in OPTIONS response (status code >>> 302) >>> |_http-title: Did not follow redirect to and >>> no page was returned. >>> 8010/tcp open ssl/xmpp? >>> | ssl-cert: Subject: >>> commonName=FortiGate/organizationName=Fortinet/stateOrProvinceName=California/countryName=US >>> | Not valid before: 2011-02-21 21:13:04 >>> |_Not valid after: 2038-01-19 03:14:07 >>> |_sslv2: server supports SSLv2 protocol, but no SSLv2 cyphers >>> 2 services unrecognized despite returning data. If you know the >>> service/version, please submit the following fingerprints at >>> http://www.insecure.org/cgi-bin/servicefp-submit.cgi : >>> ==============NEXT SERVICE FINGERPRINT (SUBMIT INDIVIDUALLY)============== >>> SF-Port8008-TCP:V=6.00%I=7%D=12/18%Time=52B19082%P=i686-pc-linux-gnu%r(Get >>> SF:Request,43,"HTTP/1\.1\x20302\x20Found\r\nLocation:\x20https://:8010/\r\ >>> SF:nConnection:\x20close\r\n\r\n")%r(FourOhFourRequest,66,"HTTP/1\.1\x2030 >>> SF:2\x20Found\r\nLocation:\x20https://:8010/nice%20ports%2C/Tri%6Eity\.txt >>> SF:%2ebak\r\nConnection:\x20close\r\n\r\n")%r(GenericLines,42,"HTTP/1\.1\x >>> SF:20302\x20Found\r\nLocation:\x20https://:8010\r\nConnection:\x20close\r\ >>> SF:n\r\n")%r(HTTPOptions,42,"HTTP/1\.1\x20302\x20Found\r\nLocation:\x20htt >>> SF:ps://:8010\r\nConnection:\x20close\r\n\r\n")%r(RTSPRequest,42,"HTTP/1\. >>> SF:1\x20302\x20Found\r\nLocation:\x20https://:8010\r\nConnection:\x20close >>> SF:\r\n\r\n")%r(SIPOptions,42,"HTTP/1\.1\x20302\x20Found\r\nLocation:\x20h >>> SF:ttps://:8010\r\nConnection:\x20close\r\n\r\n"); >>> ==============NEXT SERVICE FINGERPRINT (SUBMIT INDIVIDUALLY)============== >>> SF-Port8010-TCP:V=6.00%T=SSL%I=7%D=12/18%Time=52B1909A%P=i686-pc-linux-gnu >>> SF:%r(GenericLines,9D3,"HTTP/1\.1\x20200\x20OK\r\nContent-Length:\x202390\ >>> SF:r\nConnection:\x20close\r\nCache-Control:\x20no-cache\r\nContent-Type:\ >>> SF:x20text/html;\x20charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE\x20html\x20PUBLIC\x20\" >>> SF:-//W3C//DTD\x20HTML\x204\.01\x20Transitional//EN\">\n<html>\n<head>\n<m >>> SF:eta\x20http-equiv=\"Content-Type\"\x20content=\"text/html;\x20charset=U >>> SF:TF-8\">\n\x20\x20\x20\x20<title>Web\x20Filter\x20Block\x20Override</tit >>> SF:le>\n\x20\x20\x20\x20<style\x20type=\"text/css\">\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20 >>> SF:\x20\x20\x20html,\x20body\x20{\x20margin:\x200;\x20padding:\x200;\x20fo >>> SF:nt-family:\x20Verdana,\x20Arial,\x20sans-serif;\x20font-size:\x2010pt;\ >>> SF:x20}\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20h1,\x20h2\x20{\x20height:\x2082px >>> SF:;\x20text-indent:\x20-999em;\x20margin:\x200;\x20padding:\x200;\x20marg >>> SF:in:\x200;\x20}\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20div\x20{\x20margin:\x20 >>> SF:0;\x20padding:\x200;\x20}\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20div\.header\ >>> SF:x20{\x20background:\x20url\(https://:8010/XX/YY/ZZ/CI/MGPGHGPGPFGHCDPFG >>> SF:GOGFGEH\)\x200\x200\x20repeat-x;\x20height:\x2082px;\x20}\n\x20\x20\x20 >>> SF:\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20div\.header\x20h1\x20{\x20background:\x20url\(https >>> SF:://:8010/XX/YY/ZZ/CI/MGPGHGPGPFGHCDPFGGHGFHBGCHEGPFHHGG\)\x200\x200\x20 >>> SF:no-repeat;\x20}\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20div\.header\x20h2\x20{ >>> SF:\x20background:\x20url\(https://:8010/XX/YY/ZZ/CI/MGPGHGPGPFGHCDPFGGOGF >>> SF:")%r(GetRequest,9D3,"HTTP/1\.1\x20200\x20OK\r\nContent-Length:\x202390\ >>> SF:r\nConnection:\x20close\r\nCache-Control:\x20no-cache\r\nContent-Type:\ >>> SF:x20text/html;\x20charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n<!DOCTYPE\x20html\x20PUBLIC\x20\" >>> SF:-//W3C//DTD\x20HTML\x204\.01\x20Transitional//EN\">\n<html>\n<head>\n<m >>> SF:eta\x20http-equiv=\"Content-Type\"\x20content=\"text/html;\x20charset=U >>> SF:TF-8\">\n\x20\x20\x20\x20<title>Web\x20Filter\x20Block\x20Override</tit >>> SF:le>\n\x20\x20\x20\x20<style\x20type=\"text/css\">\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20 >>> SF:\x20\x20\x20html,\x20body\x20{\x20margin:\x200;\x20padding:\x200;\x20fo >>> SF:nt-family:\x20Verdana,\x20Arial,\x20sans-serif;\x20font-size:\x2010pt;\ >>> SF:x20}\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20h1,\x20h2\x20{\x20height:\x2082px >>> SF:;\x20text-indent:\x20-999em;\x20margin:\x200;\x20padding:\x200;\x20marg >>> SF:in:\x200;\x20}\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20div\x20{\x20margin:\x20 >>> SF:0;\x20padding:\x200;\x20}\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20div\.header\ >>> SF:x20{\x20background:\x20url\(https://:8010/XX/YY/ZZ/CI/MGPGHGPGPFGHCDPFG >>> SF:GOGFGEH\)\x200\x200\x20repeat-x;\x20height:\x2082px;\x20}\n\x20\x20\x20 >>> SF:\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20div\.header\x20h1\x20{\x20background:\x20url\(https >>> SF:://:8010/XX/YY/ZZ/CI/MGPGHGPGPFGHCDPFGGHGFHBGCHEGPFHHGG\)\x200\x200\x20 >>> SF:no-repeat;\x20}\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20div\.header\x20h2\x20{ >>> SF:\x20background:\x20url\(https://:8010/XX/YY/ZZ/CI/MGPGHGPGPFGHCDPFGGOGF >>> SF:"); >>> >>> Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at >>> http://nmap.org/submit/ . >>> Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 297.77 seconds >>> ignat99 at debian:~$ >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> 2013/12/13 HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS <henar at tid.es> >>> >>> By default your VM has a private IP. You need to deploy a public one (go >>> to security -> floating IP). The floating IP is the IP you should use. I >>> think everything is explained in the instance video. >>> >>> Regards, >>> >>> Henar >>> >>> >>> >>> De: Ignat Ignatov [mailto:ignat99 at gmail.com] >>> Enviado el: viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013 10:03 >>> >>> >>> Para: HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS >>> Asunto: Re: Your VM in FI-LAB >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> 2013/12/13 HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS <henar at tid.es>: >>>> HI >>>> >>>> You can access with: >>>> ssh -i cert.pem root at IP >>> What the my VM real IP ? >>> >>>> where cert.pem is the keypair you have generated previously. >>> cer >>> >>> ignat99 at debian:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "ignat99 at gmail.com" >>> Generating public/private rsa key pair. >>> Enter file in which to save the key (/home/ignat99/.ssh/id_rsa): mykey >>> Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): >>> Enter same passphrase again: >>> Your identification has been saved in mykey. >>> Your public key has been saved in mykey.pub. >>> The key fingerprint is: .... >>> >>> cat mykey.pub > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys >>> >>> chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys >>> >>> or >>> >>> ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t dsa -N passphrase -f mykey -C "ignat99 at gmail.com" >>> >>> cat mykey.pub > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys >>> >>> chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys >>> >>> puttygen id_dsa.ppk -O private-openssh -o id_dsa for the private key >>> >>> puttygen id_dsa.ppk -O public-openssh -o id_dsa.pub for the public key >>> >>> >>> >>> Respect, >>> >>> ignat >>> >>> >>>> If you are using putty you need to convert the cert.pem to ppk, by a >>>> puttygem (for instance) >>>> scp is the security ftp. >>>> >>>> Regards, >>>> Henar >>>> >>>> -----Mensaje original----- >>>> De: Ignat Ignatov [mailto:ignat99 at gmail.com] >>>> Enviado el: viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013 8:47 >>>> Para: HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS >>>> Asunto: Re: Your VM in FI-LAB >>>> >>>> You forgot to write a set of commands to access: >>>> >>>> ssh <?user>@<?IP> -p <port> >>>> >>>> or >>>> >>>> bridge >>>> >>>> ssh -L 7000:localhost:3306 <user>@localhost -p 7778 mysql -h >>>> -u debianworld_usr -D debianworld_db -P 7000 -p >>>> >>>> ssh -L local_port:host:host_port username at host -p port >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> You have not sent the certificate format, which is required for access. >>>> Or you did not send key. >>>> >>>> Better to issue it in the form of instructions on PDF or HTML and public >>>> it. >>>> >>>> I am waiting for detailed instructions. >>>> Named format (scp) you are not familiar to me. >>>> >>>> Certificate from different formats such as pem, der, p7b, and pfx? >>>> >>>> https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-converter.html >>>> >>>> ??? >>>> >>>> Respect, >>>> ignat >>>> >>>> 2013/12/13 HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS <henar at tid.es>: >>>>> Some answer inline. >>>>> -----Mensaje original----- >>>>>> De: Ignat Ignatov [mailto:ignat99 at gmail.com] Enviado el: jueves, 12 >>>>>> de diciembre de 2013 17:50 >>>>>> Para: HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS >>>>>> Asunto: Re: Your VM in FI-LAB >>>>>> >>>>>> Good day, Henar Muñoz! >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> I have been actively working in this direction and did quite a lot. >>>>>> But I did not find instructions on how to install a virtual machine my >>>>>> application. >>>>> [Henar] Just deploy the VM, install the software require and copy your >>>>> binaries (scp) >>>>>> I use calaos-web-app on my local Raysberry Pi and Debian. It work with >>>>>> node + angular.js. >>>>>> Additionally, I am working on a program of communication with the >>>>>> sensors. In C + +. I need instructions on how I can put these programs in >>>>>> the cloud. >>>>> [Henar] In blueprints capabilities, we support a node.js server (you >>>>> can reuse it). >>>>>> I have ssh access to my virtual machine? >>>>> [Henar] Yes. You can access to your VM by ssh. >>>>>> Respect, >>>>>> ignat >>>>>> >>>>>> P.S. I also want to take part in a video conference, so I sent my >>>>>> colleague to participate in this event. >>>>>> >>>>>> 2013/12/12 HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS <henar at tid.es>: >>>>>>> Hi >>>>>>> >>>>>>> It seems you have a not valid VM in FI-LAB and you are not using it. >>>>>>> If you don't reply to this mail in two days commenting us you need >>>>>>> it, we will remove it. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Sorry for any inconvenience. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Regards, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Henar >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> ________________________________ >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede >>>>>>> consultar nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo >>>>>>> electrónico en el enlace situado más abajo. >>>>>>> This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. We only send >>>>>>> and receive email on the basis of the terms set out at: >>>>>>> http://www.tid.es/ES/PAGINAS/disclaimer.aspx >>>>>> ________________________________ >>>>>> >>>>>> Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede >>>>>> consultar nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo electrónico en el >>>>>> enlace situado más abajo. >>>>>> This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. We only send >>>>>> and receive email on the basis of the terms set out at: >>>>>> http://www.tid.es/ES/PAGINAS/disclaimer.aspx >>>>> ________________________________ >>>>> >>>>> Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede >>>>> consultar nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo electrónico en el >>>>> enlace situado más abajo. >>>>> This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. We only send >>>>> and receive email on the basis of the terms set out at: >>>>> http://www.tid.es/ES/PAGINAS/disclaimer.aspx >>>> ________________________________ >>>> >>>> Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede consultar >>>> nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo electrónico en el enlace >>>> situado más abajo. >>>> This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. We only send and >>>> receive email on the basis of the terms set out at: >>>> http://www.tid.es/ES/PAGINAS/disclaimer.aspx >>> >>> >>> ________________________________ >>> >>> >>> Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede consultar >>> nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo electrónico en el enlace >>> situado más abajo. >>> This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. 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