[Fiware-lab-help] FI-Lab Assistance

Gabriel Requena García grequenag at cetaqua.com
Tue Dec 23 09:23:49 CET 2014

Dear sirs,

My name is Gabriel Requena García, and I write in behalf of CETAqua Andalucía. We are currently starting to work with Fiware and Fi lab and we have some issues going on. We are trying to create a new instance of the Orion Context Broker GE. The thing is that I get an error when I try to assign a floating IP to an instance.

The steps that I followed are:

1.       Allocate a floating IP to the project.

2.       Create a keypair

3.       Able ssh port in security groups

4.       Create a new instance of the Orion image (orion-psb-image-R4.1)

5.       Try to associate that instance to the floating IP

In the last step I get the next error:
                {"badRequest": {"message": "No nw_info cache associated with instance", "code": 400}}

Have I missed something out? Or is there an issue going on with Fi lab?

Thank you very much for your time,

Gabriel Requena.

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