[Fiware-lab-help] FI-Lab Assistance

José Ignacio Carretero Guarde jicg at tid.es
Mon Mar 24 17:53:26 CET 2014

Hi Paolo,

May be, as a member of an use case project, you should consider
developing in the private cloud deployed for use-cases:

VNC is not supported in this version of cloud.

Best regards,
José Ignacio.

El 24/03/14 13:18, Paolo Zampognaro escribió:
> Hi,
> my name is Paolo Zampognaro working for FI-STAR Use case project.
> I’m interested in using the virtualisation capability offered by the
> FI-LAB Cloud. By the way I have created a new Blueprint Template
> “WebServices” and started an instance. Now the problems I have are the
> following:
> 1-After an instance was created (under the “Compute\Instances”
> section) the template is disappeared from the “Blueprint\Blueprint
> Templates” and “Blueprint\Blueprint Instances” sections. Is it normal?
> 2-About the instance running under “Compute\Instances”, named
> EngInstance-WebServices, I need to have access to it. The associated
> floating ip seems to be an internal IP and, anyway, it is
> not reachable via SSH by me. Furthermore if I try the “Connect to the
> VM display” option I get the error:
> “The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:
> *Connection to failed.*
> The system returned: /(111) Connection refused”/
> Please may I ask your support about these issues in order to better
> understand how to exploit your Cloud capabilities?
> Thanks and best regards,
> Paolo Zampognaro
> *Paolo Zampognaro*
> R & D Laboratory
> paolo.zampognaro at eng.it <mailto:paolo.zampognaro at eng.it>
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