[Fiware-lab-help] [Data][Content of About] The CKAN Tour link included in the page redirects to the Feature Overview link

Fi-ware ULPGC fiware at ulpgc.es
Thu Nov 6 10:32:21 CET 2014

Responsible: fiware at ulpgc.es
Environment, instance and tested GEs: Fiware Lab - Global instance - Data
Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox, v. 33 ; Google Chrome, v.  38.0.2125.104
Operating System: Windows 8
User id: storedata.test.ulpgc at gmail.com


The fourth link included in the page, that refers to CKAN Tour, redirects
to the Feature Overview website. This website is also included in the About
page as the fifth link.

That isn’t an error, but as well as two links point to the same website,
maybe you want to delete one of them.

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