[Fiware-lab-help] Athens-UPRC Cloud: Security groups port mapping

Dimitris Kelaidonis dkelaid at unipi.gr
Fri Nov 7 09:00:59 CET 2014

Dear Patrício Batista,


thank you for the information regarding the security groups concepts in our
region Athens_UPRC. First of all please let me give you some useful points
with respect to the security groups capabilities. As you may find @
http://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ops/content/security_groups.html, the
security groups are used in the cloud portal so as to allow the end-user to
configure its own security rules for their VMs. The two field 'From Port' &
'To Port' constitute arguments that specify the allowed local port range
connections for the VM. Consequently, in your configuration (as it is
depicted in the attached figure), indicatively the rule:

- IP Protocol: TCP, From Port: 78, To Port: 9999. Source: (CIDR),
defines the range of the ports on your VM that can accept/allow any external
(this indicates the Source: (CIDR)) TCP connection on your VM, and
not that the Port: 78 is being forwarded to Port: 9999.

For now through the cloud portal and the security groups definition the user
can setup/define only the rules regarding the allowed connections and not
regarding the port forward. However, in case you need to use your VM as a
type of gateway that will accept external connections to specific ports,
which in turn will be forwarded to another port (and potentially to another
VM with different IP address) you could use the socat command
(http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-tcp-port-forwarding/) so as to
perform the port forward on your VM. FOr instance in case you would like to
forward any packet that arrive in port 78 on your current VM to another
machine/VM (with public IP as well), by using the socat command you could
write the following:

# socat TCP-LISTEN:78,fork TCP:<IP_OF_THE_REMOTE_VM>:9999.


So, hope the above to help you so as to perform your work without problems.
Please feel free to contact us for any further help and/or clarification on
the issue.


Best Regards,

Dimitris Kelaidonis, on behalf of Athens_UPRC (Athens II) Node Helpdesk


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