[Fiware-lab-help] FI-Lab Assistance

Quano djquano at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 18:03:11 CET 2014

i have now access to the machine as usual, dont know if you played some
scripts or what . my issue is solved. thanks :-D

2014-11-13 15:19 GMT+01:00 Quano <djquano at gmail.com>:

> Hi my name is Jacobo i have a machine in your cloud but i cannot access
> throught ssh & key , login still throwing me the "Password" prompt when it
> shouldnt.
> I recreated another keypair without sucess
> My user djquano at gmail.com
> My machine: EseQuEle
> Floating IP:
> Internal IP:
> i've also tried rebooting but i cant. I dont know if that key were
> removed, but im sure not.
> thanks a lot.
> --
> -- Quano --
> http://www.soundcloud.com/djquano
> http://www.hispasonicos.com/quano
> http://www.indabamusic.com/people/012406136/collaboration
> http://www.tracksandfields.com/users/djquano

-- Quano --




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