[Fiware-lab-help] FI-Lab Assistance

Sergio MORANT smorant at images-et-reseaux.com
Tue Nov 18 17:53:45 CET 2014

Hi David, 

ImaginLab (Lannion Region node) will host FIC2 Lab (Fi-Content2 Lab) instances within FIWARE-Lab environment. It is supposed to provide a SaaS solution on FIWARE Lab for the enablers coming from this project. I’m not quite sure whether your request is related to FIC2 Lab deployment or not. Anyhow, We should be able to provide the requested environment.


I’ll try to provide answer to your questions right below.


Best regards



De : fiware-lab-help-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:fiware-lab-help-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] De la part de David Thoumas
Envoyé : mardi 18 novembre 2014 12:06
À : fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org
Cc : Mario LOPEZ RAMOS; Philipp Slusallek
Objet : [Fiware-lab-help] FI-Lab Assistance




I'm David Thoumas, CTO of OpenDataSoft, member of the FIContent2 consortium.


We are developing an enabler (OpenDataSoft) which aims at providing, as a software as a service, a platform for publishing / sharing and reusing structured data:  <http://www.opendatasoft.com> http://www.opendatasoft.com.


We are already operating at a multi-cloud level (we have customers running on Amazon EC2, Azure and we are currently deploying on Numergy - a french cloud provider -).


As part of of the FIContent consortium, we also would like to deploy our platform on FI-Lab.


Thus a couple of questions:


1. We need to be able to launch larger instances than those which are made available by default. Basically we need:

 * 3 small instances (2vcpu, 4 GB RAM)

 * 1 large instance (8 vcpu - 16 GB RAM)

[SM] This should not be a problem. We can modify the flavor for special to fit requirements


2. What is the expected performance of the underlying storage ?

[SM] Could you please be more precise ? I can tell just that we are running on SATA storage on the locale machines at the moment for block storage.


3. To be able to correctly operate our platform, we would need to be able to play at subnet level. Is there any way we can create subnets within a FI-Lab project ? 

[SM] Yes, no problem. We are running Quantum for network management and you can create subnet and private routers 


4. Are their builtin load balancing capabilities or shall one build our own ?

[SM] Could you please be more precise? 


Thank you in advance,


Kind regards,



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