[Fiware-lab-help] Error: Error creating blueprint kurento-template. Cause: 503 Error

Aristi Galani agalani at unipi.gr
Mon Nov 24 14:48:28 CET 2014

Dear user,

currently the fiware lab is empowered with a set of additional nodes 
that are continuously integrated we the rest of the cloud 
infrastructure. Consequently, temporarily some of the nodes cannot 
support the some functionality such as the Blueprint templates. So, 
initially it would be helpful for us, to provide the information 
regarding the node you have tried to create on it the Blueprint 
template. After that in case the node will support this functionality, 
we will inform the technical support team of the second helpdesk level, 
which is responsible for the corresponding node.

Thank you in advance for the collaboration.

Best regards

On 11/22/2014 11:33 AM, Walid hadj taieb wrote:
> Dear,
> please i need help. when i try to create new blueprint template, a 
> error was generated bellow  :
> " Error creating blueprint kurento-template. Cause: 503 Error".
> -- 
> *Thanks & BRs,***
> *-----------*
> *Walid HADJ TAIEB*
> *Mobile*    : + 216 22 12 57 61
> *Email : hadjtaieb.walid at gmail.com <mailto:hadjtaieb.walid at gmail.com>*
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