[Fiware-lab-help] [Wirecloud][Connect Widgets] It is not intuitive that users have to enable the connections between the widgets to make the mashup work

Fi-ware ULPGC fiware at ulpgc.es
Thu Oct 30 13:47:02 CET 2014

Web Browser: Google Chrome version 38.0.2125.104
Operating System: OSX version 10.9.3
User id: wirecloud


If a user adds two widgets to the dashboard and tries to make them work
there will be no response. To make this happen, the user has to go the
wiring map and make the corresponding connections betweens widgets.

Thus, every modification made on a widget will affect the rest of the
widgets connected to it.

It would be helpful if a hint messages tells the user how to make the
connections between widgets.
How to replicate:
1. Log in
2. Go to Store
3. Acquire some widgets
4. Go to Mashup
5. Add some widgets
6. Try play with them
7. Go to wiring map and do connections
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