[Fiware-lab-help] [Wirecloud][General] Remove collaborator member issue

Álvaro Arranz aarranz at conwet.com
Fri Oct 31 12:59:47 CET 2014


take care of assigning those tickets to the correct component, this has
nothing to do with Wirecloud.

Best regards.

On 31 October 2014 12:54, Fi-ware ULPGC <fiware at ulpgc.es> wrote:

> Web Browser: Google Chrome version 38.0.2125.104
> Operating System: OSX version 10.9.3
> User id: wirecloud
> Description:
> In the Account section, users are able to create new organizations. If
> users click on that option they have to specify the name of the
> organization and then they can add members to it.
> They can add any Fi-lab user registered in the system. Users can add a
> member by mistake and the system give no options to remove it, apparently.
> To remove the mistaken member, users have to check the list of members for
> that organization and click in the button ‘1 role’ and disable all options.
> Then, the system ask if you want to remove that collaborator. The issue is
> that this way to remove a member is not quite intuitive.
> In the image named ‘Remove collaborator member issue_1’ we can see,
> highlighted in red, the user we want to remove. We can also see the list of
> checkboxes the system offer us to change the role of that user. In the
> image, all options are disabled and that is the reason why there is a
> confirmation message on the screen, where the system asks us if we really
> want to remove that user.
> How to replicate:
> 1. Log in Fi-lab
> 2. Go to ‘Account’ section
> 3. Click on ‘New organization’
> 4. Type the name of the organization
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