[Fiware-lab-help] FI-LAB Connectivity problems

JOSE IGNACIO CARRETERO GUARDE joseignacio.carreteroguarde at telefonica.com
Tue Sep 2 13:08:33 CEST 2014


It seems to be ok now -- I'm not aware of any interruption in network access to the testbed yesterday. However, I can confirm that there seems to have been an interruption in the cloud service (cloud.lab.fi-ware.org) between 18:17 to 20:47 (CET).

May be, if you use this services, your webserver didn't work properly -- But the access to the VM wasn't interrupted.

Sorry for the invonveniences.

Best regards,
José Ignacio.

El 02/09/14 a las #4, Artemis Voulkidis escribió:


I am Artemis Voulkidis and am currently involved in the FI-PPP Phase II project FINESCE.

In the context of the project, a set of VM instances have been set up to support our actions.

Everything worked as expected until yesterday, when a major connection problem was diagnosed from our side; we could not connect to the services exposed by our vms anymore.

Today morning connectivity seemed to be restored, but it has shown signs of instability since then (one can connect at a time instant and cannot connect another).

Is there any specific, known reason explaining why these instabilities occur, i.e. Is it something globally known?

The VM with the connectivity issue is

Thank you in advance,

Kind Regards,


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