[Fiware-lab-help] Fi-Lab assistance

Diego Hernandez diego.hernandez at cws-tech.com
Thu Sep 4 13:52:18 CEST 2014

Hi Thomas

Thanks for your answer. We were just setting up a Fi-ware development
environment taking advantage of deployment facilities/features of FiLab
Cloud, such as templates with context broker installation.

I've tried in all regions, but I did't get a complete installation as
described in tutorials, each region has it's own issues: IP depletion,
creation template failure, unavailable image on instance creation...
probably as consequence of resource bottlenecks.

But non-homogeneous deployment actions across different regions surprised
me...  Is planned to setup a common policy for all regions in next future?

Kind regards

Diego Hernández | CIO | +34 649 548 917
Comworks Technologies | www.comworks.es | +34 91 445 36 78
Bravo Murillo 36 Madrid Spain EU

2014-09-04 12:42 GMT+02:00 Günther, Thomas <
thomas.guenther at fokus.fraunhofer.de>:

>  Hi Diego,
> the launch of an instance in the Berlin region usually fails, if a user
> doesn’t configured a private network and a vrouter in advance.
> If you tell me the name or UUID of the VM on the Berlin I can further
> investigate.
> The Berlin node is also running out of available public IPs. We are
> currently investigating on a solution to solve the issue.
> In the meantime there are only two choices, either wait until public IPs
> are freed or try on a different region.
> Is there any specific project affiliation from your side, our you just
> want to experience the offered features?
> Kind regards,
> Thomas
> *Von:* fiware-lab-help-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:
> fiware-lab-help-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] *Im Auftrag von *Diego
> Hernandez
> *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 3. September 2014 13:47
> *Cc:* fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org
> *Betreff:* Re: [Fiware-lab-help] Fi-Lab assistance
> Hi Henar
> Thanks for your response. Someone released an IP in Spain region, so I got
> it and I started a server.
> Just another question... I have some issues in other regions launching
> instances, such as Berlin. When I run an instance, I always get an status
> 'Error' (and nothing else). My suspicions are coming from none-asigned
> private IP to the machine and the left menu, where 'Network' option is
> placed in order to configure Nets, Subnets and Routers. This option isn't
> enabled in Spain region so... is it a misconfiguration in OpenStack
> infrastructure, or do I have to set up the network environment properly in
> order to launch running instances?
> Once again, thanks for your support.
> Regards
>   Diego Hernández | CIO | +34 649 548 917
> Comworks Technologies | www.comworks.es | +34 91 445 36 78
> Bravo Murillo 36 Madrid Spain EU
> <https://maps.google.es/maps?q=Bravo+Murillo+36+&hl=es&sll=40.396764,-3.713379&sspn=8.063853,23.840332&hnear=Calle+de+Bravo+Murillo,+36,+28015+Madrid,+Comunidad+de+Madrid&t=m&z=16>
> 2014-09-03 7:56 GMT+02:00 HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS <
> henar.munozfrutos at telefonica.com>:
>  Hi Diego
> Now we don’t have more public IPs in the Spain region. We are working to
> solve this problem. You can try to deploy a VM in other region.
> Regards,
> Henar
> *De:* fiware-lab-help-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:
> fiware-lab-help-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] *En nombre de *Diego Hernandez
> *Enviado el:* martes, 02 de septiembre de 2014 16:07
> *Para:* fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org
> *Asunto:* Re: [Fiware-lab-help] Fi-Lab assistance
> Hi
> Debugging the request's output for Allocate Address ajax call confimrs my
> suspects:
> Object { message="No more floating ips in pool net8300.", code=400}
> We can launch instances but only with private IP. Could you fix it?
> Thanks
>   Diego Hernández | CIO | +34 649 548 917
> Comworks Technologies | www.comworks.es | +34 91 445 36 78
> Bravo Murillo 36 Madrid Spain EU
> <https://maps.google.es/maps?q=Bravo+Murillo+36+&hl=es&sll=40.396764,-3.713379&sspn=8.063853,23.840332&hnear=Calle+de+Bravo+Murillo,+36,+28015+Madrid,+Comunidad+de+Madrid&t=m&z=16>
> 2014-09-02 12:35 GMT+02:00 Diego Hernandez <diego.hernandez at cws-tech.com>:
>  Hi
> I’m trying to launch my first bluprint templace in Fi-Lab but can’t do it.
> There is not availability from public IPs to allocate to my project.
> Security Floating IPs returns always same info in popup dialog “Porject
> Quotas FloatingIP (0) – 1 avaliable” but when I try to allocate one i
> receive the message “Error: undefined. Cause: unknow”.
> Any idea?
> Regards
>   Diego Hernández | CIO | +34 649 548 917
> Comworks Technologies | www.comworks.es | +34 91 445 36 78
> Bravo Murillo 36 Madrid Spain EU
> <https://maps.google.es/maps?q=Bravo+Murillo+36+&hl=es&sll=40.396764,-3.713379&sspn=8.063853,23.840332&hnear=Calle+de+Bravo+Murillo,+36,+28015+Madrid,+Comunidad+de+Madrid&t=m&z=16>
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