[Fiware-lab-help] Allocating floating IP issue

Daniele Santoro daniele.santoro at create-net.org
Thu Apr 16 13:36:15 CEST 2015


From Geant node I got a message they have few free public IPs. They are asking for:

- userID
- projectID
- Your contact (I’m going to share your e-mail)

To help you directly with IP allocation.


On 21 Mar 2015, at 09:22, Nikita <Nikita at d2.eu> wrote:

> Dear,
> Now I get different error message:
> Error: Error allocating IP address. Cause: 503 Error
> Berst Regards,
> Nikita
> Digitally yours,
> Nikita OMAREV
> T +32 32 97 77 74
> F +32 32 97 77 72
> Nikita at d2.eu
> www.d2.eu                   pos – payment – digital cinema technology
> www.dcp360.eu           dcp duplication
> www.appetite4.com     APP platform for culture, tourism, sport, city-marketing
>> On Mar 21, 2015, at 12:27 AM, Daniele Santoro <daniele.santoro at create-net.org> wrote:
>> Dear,
>> Maybe there were no  more IP available when you tried. Anyway, I’ve assigned your request to Gent support.
>> Best,
>> Daniele
>> On 20 Mar 2015, at 22:32, Nikita <Nikita at d2.eu> wrote:
>>> Hello Daniele,
>>> The region is Gent.
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Best Regards
>>> Nikita
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 20, 2015, at 20:39, "Daniele Santoro" <daniele.santoro at create-net.org> wrote:
>>>> Dear,
>>>> Can you please tell us the region you are using ?
>>>> Daniele
>>>> On 20 Mar 2015, at 15:53, Nikita <Nikita at d2.eu> wrote:
>>>>> Hello, 
>>>>> I have trouble allocating public ip to my project in Fi Lab Cloud portal.
>>>>> Here is the error I get:
>>>>> Error allocating IP address. 
>>>>> Cause: 500 Error {"computeFault": {"message": "The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation.", "code": 500}}
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>> Nikita
>>>>> Digitally yours,
>>>>> Nikita OMAREV
>>>>> T +32 32 97 77 74
>>>>> F +32 32 97 77 72
>>>>> Nikita at d2.eu
>>>>> www.d2.eu                   pos – payment – digital cinema technology
>>>>> www.dcp360.eu           dcp duplication
>>>>> www.appetite4.com     APP platform for culture, tourism, sport, city-marketing
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